Too much of a good thing...Italian Food

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Jan 22, 2014
Wifey B: We realized we were getting a bit tired of Italian food after 20 days or so consecutive. Odd here that seems like almost every restaurant is Italian. Not like that back home. I guess they say, "When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do" but we hit overload so tonight we found a steakhouse. :D

Brings an interesting question of how often you could eat your fave food. Is there a food you could eat every day? Many eat the same breakfast every day. I love lobster but not too often. Even hubby's beloved Prime Rib he doesn't want but a couple of times a month. I love ice cream but I don't think every day plus I switch flavors. :ermm:

So, is there a food or type food you could eat every day? Or how long? :)
Ms. WB. Not me but I suspect some number of TF members have at least ONE barley sandwich daily. I also suspect some live on same....

Tough call on what I would be able to eat on a daily basis. Anything except turkey. Once a year is too much for me.
Pizza, morning breakfast, lunch or diner, never ever I will have enough (strange that it is the same with wine lol)

I worked with a guy from NY who could eat Tuna in various forms every day. He often had it for either lunch or dinner seven days and sometimes twice a day. Now, that was all easy when he was in NY but when he moved to NC, fewer restaurants had it. I can recall going to lunch though with him and his wife and she and I would be ready to order and he would say he needed a minute. His wife and I would look at each other and nod. Sure enough, the waiter returned and he ordered Tuna Salad, the same thing he ordered every time we went to that deli. We then asked why he needed more time to order what we knew he was going to order all the time.

I could not eat any food daily. I grew up eating eggs every morning. It was Eggs and Toast and either Bacon, Sausage or Ham. Perhaps once a week a break with pancakes. My mother somehow thought it was awful to eat anything else for breakfast.
Chinese food. Given the huge difference between the different types of regional cuisine I could eat three meals a day and never eat the same thing twice.
My favorite food is Indian.

So no, I couldn't eat it more than once or twice a week!
Dark chocolate. I can, and do, eat it every day. It’s supposed to contain antioxidants so I chalk it up as health food.
Baja seafood: ceviche, tacos camarones, yellow tail.

It comes fresh to mi puerto en mi casa all winter from the locals.

Poached halibut tonight!
Curry? You really think Indian food is all about curry?


Wifey B: No....just don't like curry. I've been to an Indian restaurant that I enjoyed as I was well advised on my choice. :)
Italian food. I can eat it anytime. If you are done with that pass it over here.

After 18 years of my mother's bland American/Irish over-boiling and over-cooking the same grey meat and potatoes I was ready for anything else. I found college cafeteria food GREAT! They didn't make you eat leftovers again and again until they were gone.

I met my wife in college. After our first date we went back to her parent's place. She asked if I wanted to come in for some leftover spaghetti. Now my mom's spaghetti came in a carton from Kraft. Both the macaroni and the sauce. The sauce was a powder that you added to water and (you guessed it) boiled. She also boiled the spaghetti until all the water was gone. This was bad enough the first night but then she re-boiled the spaghetti each night until it was finished. It became like library paste. My sister used to cry and get out of eating it. I went to college to avoid Vietnam and my mother's leftover spaghetti. And now this girl was putting it on a plate in front of me. I thought the date had gone pretty well up until this point.

It was great! It was spectacular! She sauteed it with a little olive oil and a little of Sunday's sauce (that has been bubbling since Sunday). It's ambrosia! Basically now I endure fresh spaghetti so I can have leftover spaghetti for the next several days.

My wife only makes Italian food. Don't ask for any other kind. The only one who made better Italian than my wife was my departed mother-in-law. Although one of her brothers is putting on a good effort lately. Italian food has to be made by family.

You can't get really good Italian food in a restaurant unless it's North Jersey and you know the owner and you go there for several years and know all the waiters and you can keep your mouth shut. Be respectful and don't look too closely at the other patrons. You have to walk through the kitchen to get to the darkened back room with a few tables for the regulars. Your table will be waiting for you.
I'm not much of a cook, so I typically rotate through a half dozen regular things. My view on breakfast at home is a necessity like brushing teeth, so generally the same thing 7 days a week. Ate the same breakfast cereal for 7 or 8 years straight. Brothers and sister would send me coupons for it as they new it wasn't likely to change.

Less you think I don't appreciate good and varied food, that's what going out to eat is all about. I eat a healthy diet when cooking for myself, and fall off the wagon when going out.

Well just think if you were Italian, or Brazilian, or Japanese, etc, what would you be eating virtually everyday?

I've got an idea... why not learn to cook and you can mix things up any way you want, and have it cooked exactly how you want? Works for us!
...she re-boiled the spaghetti each night until it was finished. It became like library paste. My sister used to cry and get out of eating it. I went to college to avoid Vietnam and my mother`s cooking...
There`s an idea, Vietnamese food, maybe not everyday but quite often:variety, flavor, freshness, vegetables. The Sydney suburb of Cabramatta we now call Vietnamatta.
Australia selected Vietnam war conscripts by drawing marbles out of a barrel. We`ve had many migrants from Vietnam, first arriving as "boat people" in small fishing boats, long before organized people smuggling.
hmmmm, as a foody, i really had to ponder this very good question. And mind you one of my business is a wood fired oven pizza truck and my girlfriend is a chef... and we love all kinds of food. From Japanese to Indian to "gourmet" American... but if there was one food i would eat everyday it might be plain high fat yogurt. It tastes so rich yet good gor you.
Well I eat bacon and eggs almost daily and still enjoy it. But I cut out the toast, diced fried potatoes, and all the other goodies that you can add. I still do sometimes have half a fried sliced tomato with Worchester sauce added, on occasion
Wifey B: Well, we had lobster and prime rib yesterday among other things so life is back to normal with lots of wonderful memories from our trip. My niece has gone home. Quiet house last night, only a few left here. And today....

On the water, quick run to Miami, lunch on South Beach. And the next few days will be lots of local boating before 13 and 14' seas hit us next weekend. :D
Well I eat bacon and eggs almost daily and still enjoy it. But I cut out the toast, diced fried potatoes, and all the other goodies that you can add. I still do sometimes have half a fried sliced tomato with Worcester sauce added, on occasion
Sounds like the "Full English Breakfast" served throughout the UK, which I call "The Full Catastrophe".
My wife is an excellent cook. She's Italian so guess what we ate most when we first got married! After a year of so of mostly Italian I finally told her she had to quit. Now we only eat Italian about once a month. I like my sauce better than hers but we usually end up with hers.

Now we eat a lot of fish usually grilled, not so much beef as I like, a bit of turkey and in the summer it's BBQ time. Fire up the Traeger and look out. Dinner will be served in 7-8 hours.

I'm the breakfast cook. I can make eggs any way you like and my specialty is a decent omelet. Love 'em.
The Original post was --- "So, is there a food or type food you could eat every day? Or how long?" I heard this as seriously what could you eat everyday? Nutritionally, there are really only a few that are good for you on a daily basis. It compells some real soul and stomach and mind searching.

This is a really good question.
I could eat ice cream every day, but my waistline would not allow it.

For breakfast, I've cycled through a variety of choices in my life, and would often stick to the same food for many, many months. In high school, I ate two Eggo waffles with butter and syrup every day for a couple of years. For a while it was Pop Tarts.

Pop Tarts and Eggo waffles were considered solid breakfast foods in the 1970's. And I was never overweight, nor were my siblings.
When I was working I ate at the same hamburger joint everyday for about 17 years. Would drive up, walk in the door and pay at the register. Didn't have to order, as they knew what I wanted.

Authentic Mexican food (meaning not Taco Bell, though we have gotten desperate occasionally!). There are many different variations beyond tacos or burritos. As my Latina wife knows... I could breakfast, lunch, and dinner off of a good Mexican menu. Of course... her favorite? Chinese! :facepalm: :rofl:
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The last time Bonnie left Mozart (our dog) and I alone in the French Pyrenees for 5 months, I bought a 40-lb salt-cured ham. That (along with some eggs and a ton of bread and butter) was literally all we ate until she came back and wondered where he'd gotten that huge bone...

My first wife was French and knew how to cook, but didn't.

My second wife was American and didn't know how to cook, but did.

My current wife loves all kinds of food, as long as it's carry-out.

My 70-year old stomach can apparently put up with just about anything you can throw at it at this point, but I've noticed that snails and garlic make me fart more than they used to.

We eat in a restaurant seven days a week and never get tired because we vary the menu to most any food from Armenian to sushi.
Bacon wrapped large Baja shrimp. BBQ'd with Baja bacon, propano and Baja air. But I'd be dead (with a smile) if I ate this every day!


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We eat in a restaurant seven days a week and never get tired because we vary the menu to most any food from Armenian to sushi.

Wifey B: Oh that just destroys an image as she's the most famous TF chef at the gatherings and figured that was how you ate all the time, but now to find out you don't even cook and eat at home. :eek::eek::nonono::nonono::ermm::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Everyday, if I could: Sushi or ceviche. What I usually eat for breakfast every morning; homemade pinto or Lima beans mixed with yogurt and heated in the microwave. Add Tabasco sauce and yum. Girlfriend says I’m weird, probably true.
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