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Senior Member
Nov 24, 2010
Vessel Name
The Blue Comet
Vessel Make
Nordic Tugs/ NT32
I've been both and never ran anyone over, that didn't deserve it anyway.

Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Been a few out there I kind of wanted to run over, but the tubs I run are just too slow.
Sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Been a few out there I kind of wanted to run over, but the tubs I run are just too slow.

Oh I think you could catch a kayak if you really wanted to.
Excellent Far Side, I remember cutting that out of the paper a long time ago! Thanks for the memory refresh ?. I almost collected one the other day on the Willamette River when it came about sooner than expected and there was a CG rhib watching. We must have done the right thing as they did not chase us down afterwards.
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