Trawlers are for wimps

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Scraping Paint
Oct 23, 2007
Forget all this trawler crap and efficiency stuff.* HERE'S what you really need.* They were still running things like this when I moved to Seattle.* The perfect Inside Passage boat--- Seattle to Ketchikan in about five hours.


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Uhmmmmm..... sleeping accomodations? That and I need to take a leak every few hours too. Could you give directions to the head?

Miss Bardahl, Miss Budweiser, Miss Exide, Slo Mo Shun I, II, III, IV etc. and then came the "new" boats like PayN'Pak with the cabover design, all that before the reciprocating engines lost out to the jet boats and all the fun went out of the hydros. No more mom and pop boats that could be competitive. They were fun though.

You won't have time to sleep, you'll be too busy driving the boat. As for taking a leak, you can carry one of those pilot's P-pal jugs. Hey, Ryanair in Europe is putting credit card swipers on the lavatory doors of its 737 fleet. You want to pee, you pay. In return you get a $25 fare from England to Rome or wherever. Pretty soon this will be a feature on all airlines and a whole new generation of people will learn to do what dogs already can do and hold it for 12 hours.
Adult diapers, like the astronauts wear on the launch pad.
Adult diapers , left in the safety card pocket , by departing Pax will be a bio hazard .

The clean up will end this sillyness , unless they get TSA to seize them.

I think I remember that adult diapers aren't just for the launch pad anymore. They are good for cross country driving when going to see your boyfriend.

What happens when you empty a pee bottle at 200 mph? Or do you set them up like milk bottles on the cowling and empty them when you stop?

OMG, then I read FF's idea to leave the used diaper in the seat pocket. If the head is locked and you can't get in there, where are you changing this diaper at? In your seat? That will be a real treat to see.

Ryanair says they have actually not recieved much negative input from the traveling public on the idea of cardlocks on the lavs. I interviewed the CEO of Ryanair several years ago--- at that time their regular fare between London and Frankfurt was about US$25. At the same time, the fare for the same route on BA or Lufthansa was close to US$200. And Ryanair makes money with these fares.

Part of it is their use of secondary airports that give them huge breaks on landing fees and other perks in return for bringing business to the airport. Part of it is Ryanair is tied in with a lot of hotel and resort chains and rental car companies so they get a cut of that business when their passengers use these companies, and part of it is that EVERYTHING on a Ryanair flight costs money. You want a bottle of water, you pay for it. A Coke, same thing. But the CEO said that because passengers think they are getting such an incredible deal on the ticket, they figure what the hell, I'll buy a beer (which is not cheap on a Ryanair flight). Which becomes four or five beers, or whatever. Offer a super-low fare, he said, and the passengers will happily pay for any extras, including using the lavatory, because they still think they are getting a great deal.* A lot of passengers, he said, end up spending as much money for "extras" on a flight as the difference between a Ryanair fare and a "normal" fare.* But they still think they got a great deal.

I heard the other day that Alaska Airlines expects to make $70 million on checked baggage charges this year. Starting July 1, Alaska charges $15 for the first bag, $25 for the second bag, and if any bag is overweight even by one pound, the charge is $50. Other US airlines have or are going to follow suit.

-- Edited by Marin on Tuesday 4th of August 2009 10:38:27 AM
Ryanniar is the Southwest Airlines of Europe.* They basically copied the SWA business model.

-- Edited by Baker on Saturday 8th of August 2009 10:53:21 AM
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