Hi everyone, it's been a while I know and I apologize for not resonding quickly in my last post about the Choey Lee.(http://www.trawlerforum.com/t41875987/hi-there/?page=1&sort=oldestFirst)
Work has been quite demanding and I'm an "add" type so I get distracted easy. Anyway, I decided ultimitely that the Choey was not the boat for me. I really, really wanted it to be, but I had to take a hard look at myself and what I wanted and needed and it just didn't fit.
I rethought things and am going with this:
It has what I want, the survey had some issues but the bottom, although nearing the end of the paint's useful life is pretty decent...odd though it had a bolt drilled through the hull and into the bilge hooked up to a grounding wire..that was kinda odd.
If anyone has some experience with this style and year of boat please feel free to advise. I am getting it and should close soon. I did some decent homework and read a review on it. But would really like to hear some real life experiences with it and how others may have liked it or not.
Very excited to have this dream, right there at my fingertips.
Thanks and have a great day!
Hi everyone, it's been a while I know and I apologize for not resonding quickly in my last post about the Choey Lee.(http://www.trawlerforum.com/t41875987/hi-there/?page=1&sort=oldestFirst)
Work has been quite demanding and I'm an "add" type so I get distracted easy. Anyway, I decided ultimitely that the Choey was not the boat for me. I really, really wanted it to be, but I had to take a hard look at myself and what I wanted and needed and it just didn't fit.
I rethought things and am going with this:
It has what I want, the survey had some issues but the bottom, although nearing the end of the paint's useful life is pretty decent...odd though it had a bolt drilled through the hull and into the bilge hooked up to a grounding wire..that was kinda odd.
If anyone has some experience with this style and year of boat please feel free to advise. I am getting it and should close soon. I did some decent homework and read a review on it. But would really like to hear some real life experiences with it and how others may have liked it or not.
Very excited to have this dream, right there at my fingertips.
Thanks and have a great day!