My boat came to me with a captain's chair mounted in the typical aluminum base, in turn secured to the deck between the molded seats with a 12"x16" x 2.5" lump of wood secured to the deck with a dozen lag screws. The chair was secure in conditions that were too much motion for staying up top. There was no side attachment to the molded seating, as the support was separated from the molded seats by several inches, to leave its sole attachment that to the wooden base.
I didn't like the narrowing of the passage that this location created, so I removed the wooden block, repaired the floor and repositioned the aluminum base against the Stb side molded seat. I used 4 lag screws into the floor and though I thought about a further attachment to the molded seat, I didn't do that, as those would then have needed their attachment to the floor beefed up as they are only screwed down with #8 screws. That mod was done more than 20 yrs ago and has performed well, through a replacement of the chair when its upholstery had age out. So the 4 lag screws holding the aluminum base down have worked well, the aluminum support has also worked well, and there is just enough room to get past, though neither of us is very large.
I also use the seat base for a temporary stay attachment from the mast, when rigging for a heavy lift.
That location wouldn't work for folks with much more girth, so locating the post inside the molded seating would be necessary. That would require cushion cutting as well as FG seat cutting, so is a much bigger job.