USCG Boarding

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Feb 7, 2010
If anyone is interested in reading a true account I had yesterday with a USCG boarding visit the Nordhavn Dreamers web-site and see the posting I wrote this morning.*
How about just paste it in here. The idea of having to "join" another group is not all that attractive.
I agree, please paste it here, I would like to read it.
The following is a true account that occured yesterday that I hope some find interesting to read.

It's Friday morning and I'm leaving work for the short 15 minute drive to Maria Elena (N4061) docked on Harbor Island, San Diego, CA. I make it a practice to check on the boat every 3 - 4 days when we are not aboard. Upon arriving at the marina I realize the calm before for the winter storm out on the bay(OK most people wouldnt call 1" of rain a storm, but in southern California the weather people make it out to be a dang hurrican). It had been over a month since we took the boat out for a run and that goes against my preventative maintanance schedule and keeping systems running so not let them sit. So I checked my schedule on the Blackberry and realized I had just under two hours until my meeting with the new company president (we are not all wealthy and some of us have to work for others, thats why there are little Nordhavn's)and decide to take Maria Elena out for spin. One nice thing about the N40's is the ability to single handle them.

So after a 20 minute warm up and pre-check, the lines are casted off and I'm cruising down the fairway. After 5 years of Nordhavn ownership I still find something special about being aboard and cruising in the pilothouse. Within a few minutes I'm clear of the marina and heading out into the bay for a 1/2 mile run. A check of the Lugger and generator guages shows normal. I listen to the sounds and beat of the Lugger and all is good. Ten minutes later I make the sharpe turn back to port and feel the stabilizers work to keep us level. About a minute later I hear the sound of siren and look outside the pilothouse starboard door to see a USCG 28' RIB pulling up. First things first and I scan the horizon and then put the boat in neutural before walking out the starboard door onto the Portuguese Bridge. The six crewmembers of the RIB take their position as one young officer asks what I'm up to. I explained about the quick run just to keep the systems functional. They ask when was the last time I was boarded by the USCG to which I responded it had been some time (like 20 years ago). The officer notifies me that they will be conducting a safety inspection and coming aboard. I start to get nervous (needed to get back to the office) but remained composed and asked what they would like me to do. They advised to remain in neutural and they would move closer in. I ran to the back of the boat to hand them a line and two officers came aboard. Then it happened. They asked for my drivers license (no problem) and current registration (ouch!) After five years of consistently keeping all records onboard (copies at home) I had removed the owners manual, USCG Registration and insurance papers earlier in the week to make a copy and left them in the car at the marina. So I start to explain to the crew and told them that if they would follow me back to the marina I would prove it. Then they ask to see the hull number permanently marked on the boat. Dang, I knew there was something I forgot to do a few years ago. I played the "I think Nordhavn marked the stringer in the lazerete" card and opend the hatch. The six foot tall crew member took one look down and decided to take my word for it. Back to the registration, I pleaded for them to let me prove I was not making up the story and they agreed to follow me in.

So there I am worried about getting back to work and thinking about how long this would take and what it was going to cost me. One crew member is standing in the pilothouse with me with his gun and the other advises he going to perform an inspection as the RIB with triple 300HP outboards shadows me. I almost laughed out loud thinking if these guys thought I might make a run for it in a Nordhavn. I started to chat with guy standing over me and he loosened up. He started to compliment the boat and asked about its range. He went on about the pilothouse and how nice the Nordhavn was compared to most all boats they board. After about five minutes the second crew member comes up to the pilothouse to announce that everything was fine below and what a nice boat. It was then I felt like asking them to remove their boots but thought better. (if mary would have been on board she would be having a fit, worse yet Daisy would be barking her head off). The trip to the marina took ten minutes and asked one of the guys if he would like to drive as deployed the bumbers. He enjoyed taking control of the Nordhavn and mentioned he had single screw boat back home in NY. Yes, another connection that I played as hard as I could. One thing lead to another and I asked the guys if they read Sea Magazine and that I an article published this month based on the boat. They were not aware of the magazine but thought it was cool I had written an article and a book of which i had a copy on board. Once on the dock I asked one of the guys to walk to the car with me. The officer in charge came over and sain no need just sign here. Ouch, here it comes $500 or $1,000 I'm thinking to myself. I told the guys no, that they had been so professional and polite that I owed it to them to prove I was not lying. So off we went to the car and I showed them everything. As we walked back to the boat I told the entire crew that I planned to write an article about my experince and how professional they were. They responded by saying they would welcome the positive press and provided me contact information with te PR office. Then as I signed the citation the office tells me it will not cost me anything. Just provide a copy of the registration when I get the notice in the mail. Then the officer asks If I would like to spend a day with them on the water so I can see first hand what they do to help with the story. Wow, a free ride on a RIB with 900HP, I would think so. I thanked them all as they started to board and leave. Back on Maria Elena I stopped them again as they drove by to handed them a copy of "Life is a journey why not live aboard a trawler". So what I thought might be bad experience turned out to be very pleasent. While I always have held the Armed Services in the highest regards, I now have a little additional appreciation and respect for these young professionals. If you are ever boarded I would suggest you do what they say and be respective as they are only doing their jobs.

John T.
Maria Elena,
JohnGood job. If we would spend more time praising well done work, and less time ranting about all that is wrong with the world, we'd all be much better off.
As to your experience, I assure everyone out there that they will receive the same kind of experience, if they, like you treat the coasties with the degree of respect they deserve. Initially, they will likely be very cool and aloof, as they assess the situation. That is what they are taught to do.
Again, good for you for telling this positive story.
The CG sould be*trying their best in San Diego after one of their vessels ran over a small bow rider*this summer with fatalities occurring. Anyone know how that case is moving along?
I have had a similar experience. They do this many times strictly for training purposes. We had been to a fundraiser and were going back to the marina at about 1am. We were approaced by 2 USCG RIBs and they proceeded to board us. I don't really remember my demeanor but my wife said that I was barking at them reference the boat pulling up along side the boat and also their combat boots on my boat. Anyway, it was a female leading the charge and she had a checklist in hand that they were going through with us. I wasn't all that thrilled about the whole ordeal. They did follow me back to my slip as it was only a half mile away. Anyway......

I was surfing in Galveston about 2 months later and met a female type surfer chick. ANd we started talking and somehow we got around to my little incident and it turned out.....that she was the female leading the charge!!!! I couldn't believe it!!! Anyway, we invited her out and she accepted and we ended up having a very nice time out on theb bay! SO my advice to y'all is to seek out the female officers that board your boat and invite them out for a spin!!!! *

She is the very attractive young lady in the middle of this pic....

-- Edited by Baker on Sunday 28th of February 2010 10:44:11 PM


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When I was boarded many years ago i refused to allow them to leave until my bell had been inspected. After all, I paid alot of money for that thing.

Baker wrote:

She is the very attractive young lady in the middle of this pic....

-- Edited by Baker on Sunday 28th of February 2010 10:44:11 PM
They all look attractive to me.

I have been In Alaska to long.
The last time I saw a beautiful woman in a swim suit like that. it was.???

Lets just say a babe in mucklucks just ain't the same.

dwhatty wrote:

Baker wrote:

She is the very attractive young lady in the middle of this pic....

-- Edited by Baker on Sunday 28th of February 2010 10:44:11 PM
They all look attractive to me.



Oh they are!!!! *But only the one in the middle is is a Coastie!!!

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