Velvet Drive CR2 cases.

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Senior Member
May 21, 2013
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Prairie 36
Hello all, I have a Prarie 36 Coastal Cruiser. We have enjoyed this boat quite a bit the last few years as we have been fixing it up to do the great Loop. However, I have noticed a bit of slipping in the port side transmission. It got bad enough that I pulled the trans and brought it to a local rebuilder. They report to me that the cases are wallowed out a bit and if I rebuilt it as is, it would not be long before it would give me trouble again. This transmission of course is out of production for a looong time. Hard to find good used cases. My thought is to either have the cases welded and re-machined or if there is enough meat there, to machine for a sleeve. I'm just wondering if anyone here has done something similar? The next option is finding a more modern replacement transmission such as a ZF or something. This will open another can of worms but might be worth it. What say you all?
It sounds like clutch disks need replacing, along with seals. Typically a $750 dollar job. I have never heard of the term "wallowed out a bit" Specifically you need to determine what the issue is. The transmission part of a CR2 is generic and there are hundreds of them, The reduction part is what makes it a CR2 and the only possible problem with the housing might be an out of round diameter for the bearing in which case you could machine oversize and sleeve.

Suggest you ask them what they mean by wallowing and obtain specific measurements.
I agree with SoWhat. It's likely the bearing housing bore that's "egg shaped".
Should be relatively easy for a decent machine shop to bore true and sleeve.
Good luck.

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