Vintage Paper Charts

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Feb 19, 2012
Vessel Name
Stella Maris
Vessel Make
Defever 44
I inherited some beautiful chart books and cruising guides from a friend whose cruising days are over. They date from 2012–14. I don’t normally use paper; there seems little that I can’t find on line or with charting programs that isn’t more up-to-date. I’m wondering if there’s much value in keeping them. It seems that they can’t be relied on for navigation—other than big picture—or for current shore-side attractions. Am I wrong about this?
They make wonderful gift wrapping paper. I use them - and use aeronautical charts, too. Everybody loves them.
Cute idea. Thanks.

I might have done myself a favor by posting this in the General Discussion forum, instead of General Maintenance <slaps head>.

If a mod sees this and can move it, that would be much-appreciated.
I moved it. Other than present wrap I would recycle them.
There is no resale value.
What are power/sail squadrons using for teaching navigations. Back in the day we used paper charts. Perhaps ask, maybe somewhere that does not have electronics can use them to teach basics.
When we taught Advanced Coastal Navigation we used a specific training chart, 1210TR. It didn’t get updated so the navigation problems wouldn’t change from class to class.

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