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Wanted: Wanted: One Gallon Elbow Grease

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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Jan 4, 2015
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Nordic Tug 37 2002
I have several projects on my boat that are pending. All the instructions, at some point, indicate using elbow grease. I an guessing I need at least a gallon. I will pay for the shipping.
I have this man Sean who has lots of elbow grease. It isn't cheap and the shipping with applicator tools would also be high.

Damm, I would give to you, but I trow in the garbage a week ago.
I have some on the shelf. However the only size it comes in is pints. It's small watery and spreads itself all over the place. It's also extremely expensive to ship! I'm sure also that mine is out of date. I find if possible it's best to buy it locally so it's fresher. :trash:
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Is this the same red stuff that dries to a brown color, typically gets all over your knuckles and fingers?
What is the town this grease is going to be shipped to. If close enough could deliver instead of shipping.
Did have some at one time, but I find evaporates very quickly, cannot seem to keep it in stock!
Originally I used shoulder grease; worked swell.

When I couldn't make any more of the shoulder type I resorted to elbow grease. Then, I broke my elbow grease applicator!

Now I use wrist grease. Sold by same manufacturer as other greases and easy enough to locate... but... not quite as powerful for turning wrenches.

I'm concerned that eventually even wrist grease will get in short supply. That means I have to resort to knuckle grease.

After that comes finger grease... which is after all where all the grease ends up at the end of things!

Of course, except for the grease smudges on your face due to wiping away sweat or adjusting glaces just to see what all the grease is actually doing!!!

Brand: "Tired arms"
Weight: 2 beads of brow sweat
hmm......you're in Florida, right ? I might have some available in February ( I'm in Boston )....cost = round trip airfare, 2 weeks food, and lodging with a water view.
Here you go! It's a bit steep, though.


I have this man Sean who has lots of elbow grease. It isn't cheap and the shipping with applicator tools would also be high.


I've seen the results of Seans elbow grease....Worth it. Sean and Ted are a formidable force in boat restoration/modification/updating etc.
My wife used to have a good few gallons, but she let it sit on the shelf for too long and it dried up and lost its lubrication.

So now there has been a shear drop in force and it has became a bit plastic.

Such is life.

Wonder if I should go looking for some younger grease?
There is/was a veterinary drug called cartrophen.It was claimed to lubricate arthritic joints, reducing pain, and to promote cartilage regrowth. I once showed the information sheet to a Rheumatologist who thought it was hormonal in nature. That could be, we gave it to a dog with a chondosarcoma (cancer of cartilage), the tumor grew rapidly for 2 months post injection, and then slowed down.
An injection could be good for around 6 months and seemed more effective than the tablet form also available. Occasionally I see a report suggesting it or something similar is being used on humans, maybe in trials.
So, a kind of elbow grease, but quite different to the old English origin.
My wife used to have a good few gallons, but she let it sit on the shelf for too long and it dried up and lost its lubrication.

So now there has been a shear drop in force and it has became a bit plastic.

Such is life.

Wonder if I should go looking for some younger grease?

Have you ever watched the movie
“The Burning Bed” ?
Better stick with the lovely women you have. [emoji257]
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