So, with the spirit in doing things outside of the box (meaning practical, effective, and cheap.,..)
Water filtration boils down to 2 things bugs and chems.
Unfortunately, an effective filtration strips everything, but we have relied for [Insert your belief on age of Man here] years, for water to provide our bodies with micro-nutrients/minerals, which is the catalyst for absorbing the working minerals/nutrients (that you usually see on standard viatamins), so without the small stuff you can't use the big stuff...
So, point being if you are filtering your water you ought to be taking a quality multi-vitamin,,, heck you ought to anyway..
But, I have made many many great VOC filters, with a 2-3' x 4"* PVC pipe, with a funnel cap, packed with alternating layers of activated carbon, sand, and cotton... works perfect for chems/VOCs.* Activated Carbon is easy to come by in quantity, it actually absorbs contaminants so is 'used up'.
And then Boil/distill/UV/RO to handle the bugs and should be good to go.
You can buy a good Activated Carbon filter, then feed to RO setup... OR distill or use an awesome Berkey filter,...
I would add an inline UV anyway even when using an RO, because it's cheap and maintenance free, and could be used exclusively for the bugs with the right setup, but mehhh, still like the final flow through my Berkey for drinking...