Water Tank Air Bubble?

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Senior Member
Dec 3, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Californian/Carver 52CPMY
Hi folks,

On my last trip on the boat I had a total of 4 people for 6 nights. Only my wife showered (lots of swimming) and we used the water sparingly. On the 6th evening the water started to sputter, signaling the water tank was about empty. My boat holds 175 gal of water, so I figured a leak someplace.

Back at the dock we refilled the tank and ran all the systems, but I couldn't find any leaks. One possibility is that when my wife filled the tank, she stopped after the first "burp", thinking it was full. I've never run out of water before so I am trying to look at all possibilities. Of course, one of my sons could have left the water running for a long time without telling me. :whistling:

What do you guys think? Have any of you gotten fooled by the air bubble in your water tank?

Cheers, Bill
If you had a leak/drip you would have heard the pump running intermittently to keep the pressure up, right?

I left my boat at a different dock recently and someone fiddled with the cockpit shower hoses causing the tank to drain. I left the pump breaker on accidentally.
One of the very best upgrades we made to our boat was installing a Watercounter. Took the guess work out of things. Also, made a practice of filling the tank to overflowing after letting it burp a bit; sometimes the flow from the hose overpowers the vent capacity.

What is a water counter? It sounds like just what I need.

Thanks, Bill
Check to be sure the vent is clear...either flush w hose or I've used a shop vac...open fill port and see if vac willblow or suck freely...if not screen or hose is plugged or partially blocked
So no sight glass? On a water system its an easy add. Put a tee on the pump suction with a 90 degree shutoff valve to isolate the level column. Add clear tubing up the side of the tank and mark for tank level. Make sure the top is open to atmosphere.
With the pump not running, open the valve, read the level, then close the valve.
that's 24 people days. even without showers they will use a lot of water. Were the holding tanks full?
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