What size photos to give to broker?

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May 26, 2015
Gig Harbor, WA
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
2010 North Pacific 43
Trying to sell my current sailboat and have listed it with a broker. I took a bunch of interior shots of the boat the other day and would like to resize them appropriately to make it easier for me to send them to her. Anyone know what size images Yachtworld will take for photos of listings?
The broker should be able to tell you but;
I just downloaded a bunch from YW and the good ones were all in the 900 x 600 range.
924x675 or so.
If that helps.
In addition to size, make sure that the boat is clean, ie no gear lying around when you take the pictures, lighting is good and you have a wide angle lens to take in a broad scene. When I see listings with these issues, I skip them.

Trying to sell my current sailboat and have listed it with a broker. I took a bunch of interior shots of the boat the other day and would like to resize them appropriately to make it easier for me to send them to her. Anyone know what size images Yachtworld will take for photos of listings?

Coincidentally, there was a recent discussion of this very topic on the AGLCA forum. The moderator of the forum had requested user photos that could be used in print format and requested photos having been taken in at least 300 dpi. A gentleman expert responded with a technical explanation about dpi being a printer spec, not a digital photo spec. I looked at his website in which he explains in detail the technical aspects of digital photos. The bottom line is that you should take your photos using the camera's highest resolution possible and then reducing the image size to 800 x 600. Also, if you have access to a quality DSLR camera, use it. Cell phone digital photos cannot compare in quality to photos taken by a "real" camera. Cell phones do a decent job outdoors but, inside, they are wholly incapable of handling the demands of taking photos in low light environments. A cell phone's flash and its lens just do not have the requisite light-gathering capability.

For example, I have seen countless interior photographs on Yachtword either taken taken by an amateur using a good camera and not knowing how to use it or taken by a cell phone camera (more likely) with a window in the background with the result being the interior being underlit and the photo being dominated by the light in the background, a photo of little value. This can be overcome by using a DSLR with a good flash such that the lighted window would be obviated, something for which a cell phone camera cannot compenstate with its puny flash and lens.

One last point, if ever I were to engage a broker to market my boat and (s)he showed up to take pictures with a cell phone, (s)he would be sent home immediately. We recently sold our home. I took the pictures but others may not have the experience or the equipment that I have.

I have attached a link to the website I mentioned above in the event anyone has an interest.

A good broker will take their own quality photos and properly advise you on staging. Dave's advice is spot on.
Thanks all.

I did not used my Canon DSLR for the interior shots, I don't have a wide enough lens for the task. I did use a pretty good compact camera however.

I did not take the shots at the best time of day, which I feel to be around dusk. Instead it was in the middle of the afternoon which mean too much contrast from the ports. The photos were taken of a bare boat, as opposed to staged photos.

I am a pretty good amateur photographer, but no experience shooting sales photos of boats. However, I can do a better job than most of those I see in Yachtworld.

I will send my broker the photos and then she can decide if they should be redone by a professional.
Trying to sell my current sailboat and have listed it with a broker. I took a bunch of interior shots of the boat the other day and would like to resize them appropriately to make it easier for me to send them to her. Anyone know what size images Yachtworld will take for photos of listings?

I would take high resolution photos and sign up for a free 2GB Dropbox, put the photo there and then share access with her, then she can have great photos. It is the same thing we use to transport photos and large files around our yacht club.
I would take high resolution photos and sign up for a free 2GB Dropbox, put the photo there and then share access with her, then she can have great photos. It is the same thing we use to transport photos and large files around our yacht club.

Great idea. I use Dropbox all the time but didn't think of using it in this instance.
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