What's the meaning of.....

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Nov 14, 2012
Your login name. I have seen some pretty cool login names, most of which I can figure out even at my ripe old age. So how about sharing what your login name means? Does it have to do with your boat name, a nick name, etc?

I'll start. My "gfc" name comes from my email address that I've had for 20 some odd years, both on Hotmail and gmail.

See how easy that was. Now it is your turn.
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I'll start. My "gfc" name comes from my email address that I've had for 20 some odd years, both on Hotmail and gmail.

See how easy that was. Now it is your turn.

So, now you have to explain what the "gfc" stands for or did you just pick those letters because they are close together on the keyboard??? :)

I would explain where my login came from, but I'll bet you can figure it out. :hide:
So, now you have to explain what the "gfc" stands for or did you just pick those letters because they are close together on the keyboard??? :)

I would explain where my login came from, but I'll bet you can figure it out. :hide:

Dad's middle name is Coy.
My middle name is Coy.
So there's two of us.. or "too" because "two" is too literal.
When I joined the forum, my only boat above 16' was my charter boat O. C. Diver (Ocean City Diiver [Ocean City, Maryland]). It is also my login name for other forums. Periodically it gets shortened here to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) with regard to how I do or want things done on my trawler.

Back in the early 90’ when AOL came along, everyone used a handle. I didn’t want to be known as David1276. Since I was racing sailboats at the time Tiltrider seemed unique and appropriate. Who knew I Would hold on to that email account forever.

Driving a convertible Mustang GT in Seattle, I was always waiting for sun (personalized plate)...still applies for boating. :)
I was a car dealer who liked to surf and said dude too often.

The 01 is because I am also a computer expert and look at everything in a binary fashion.

I just made that last part up, but remember, x-car dealer. ?
Retired Porsche technician. When Porsche went to a secured website, they asked everyone for passwords. I had a really great one picked out (can't remember now). Our IT guy messed up and couldn't use it again, so he picked porman. I hated it but got used to it.
So, now you have to explain what the "gfc" stands for or did you just pick those letters because they are close together on the keyboard??? :)
Nope, nothing to do with the placement of the letters on the QWERTY keyboard.

For many years I've had Gofirstclass as part of my email address. I usually use that long part on most forums but on this one I shortened it to GFC.

Waaaaaaay back, either late 80s or early 90s, I think I was on CompuServe which if I remember correctly was sucked up by AOL. In those days everyone was worried about personal security on this new internet thingy - I would say even more paranoid than now given it wasn't really fully understood.

It just so happened that I was reading a book called "C," a biography of the head of MI6 under Churchill. The guys name was Sir Stuart Menzies. Since I needed a secure screen name I thought what better. So I became Menzies and have been on all the forums ever since - coming up on thirty years!
Nope, nothing to do with the placement of the letters on the QWERTY keyboard.

For many years I've had Gofirstclass as part of my email address. I usually use that long part on most forums but on this one I shortened it to GFC.

Wifey B: Yeah, your first answer sort of missed the point, because you use it as email. :nonono: Glad you made it clear now because with my dirty mind I could have come up with a bazillion things those three letters stand for. :rofl:

Now, ours is so beyond obvious. And it's not bed and breakfast, although we have beds and we had breakfast this morning. Since we share we had to have something to represent him and something to represent me and we put "and" in between. Of course it can get confusing. Is the first b for him or is it for me? Maybe we got screwed up and both are him or both are me? :nonono: BandB a lot of different things that we're not, like theater chain, medical company, Brandy and Benedictine. Like most things there are other uses, I'm not about to mention here. :)
It was was nickname in college. I've used it in forums since forums were invented. (Ironically, the internet wasn't really a 'thing' when I was in college. I was using a typewriter (albeit electric) when I was in college).

Many people mistakenly associate it with Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew", and almost immediately assume it denotes gender. This alone, I find hysterical.
For many years I've had Gofirstclass as part of my email address. I usually use that long part on most forums but on this one I shortened it to GFC.

I like it! :thumb::thumb:
Huh -- this is an interesting thread after all these years on the forum wondering about handles. My own couldn't be more boring, first initial, last name. I've been using the first-initial-last-name convention since my first Netscape email address since 1995. Funny, I gave somebody my Netscape email address at the Palm Beach Boat Show a few weeks ago and the person was amazed Netscape addresses still work (under AOL now). He thought I was giving him a phony email address just to blow him off.
Mine is easy. First letter of my name, wife's name and dog's name.
Greg, Gina, Ginger
In their heydays, the Comanche Indians ruled Texas from the Gulf Coast to Kansas, and East Texas into New Mexico. Gulf Comanche sounded badass, so I went with it. Plus I grew up on the Texas Gulf Coast.
Waaaaaaay back, either late 80s or early 90s, I think I was on CompuServe which if I remember correctly was sucked up by AOL. In those days everyone was worried about personal security on this new internet thingy - I would say even more paranoid than now given it wasn't really fully understood.

It just so happened that I was reading a book called "C," a biography of the head of MI6 under Churchill. The guys name was Sir Stuart Menzies. Since I needed a secure screen name I thought what better. So I became Menzies and have been on all the forums ever since - coming up on thirty years!

I figured it had something to do with a menstrual cycle.
Hawkeye for two reasons, only one related to boating. On several trips up and down the California coast I apparently saw landmarks before anyone else on my regular crew thus a nickname in my boating friend's world. Also, I'm apparently a dead ringer for Alan Alda, Hawkeye, on the MASH series.
My wife cracks me up! She likes to make up names for things she observes through life. Always has. She looked at those triangular fleshy parts in a dogs mouth and called them “giggitonis”. After 37 years it is part of our lexicon. So Giggitoni it is!
That one is more than 20 years old and was given by a good friend of mine.
Lou is my nickname, and also mean "The" from where I come from... for the remaining it may be...




Who knows...

Used to own an Airstream 345 Motorhome and participated in another social knowledge forum (airforums) years ago. That username sort of stuck with me even though the Airstream is long gone.
LaBomba is just an abbreviation of my last name that is too long and hard to say so friends in high school many many years back labeled me with this. It became a Ricky Martin song years later.
LaBomba is just an abbreviation of my last name that is too long and hard to say so friends in high school many many years back labeled me with this. It became a Ricky Martin song years later.
Some years before you could have been LaBamba :D


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