Which Brand?

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Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
So let's discuss new Generators. Say I am looking at replacing my 30 year old Onan 8KW.

The three major brands (That I know of) are:

1. Onan
2. Northern Lights
3. Westerbeke

Are there brands I am missing?

Which genny would you buy and why?:popcorn::hide:
So let's discuss new Generators. Say I am looking at replacing my 30 year old Onan 8KW.

The three major brands (That I know of) are:

1. Onan

2. Northern Lights

3. Westerbeke

Are there brands I am missing?

Which genny would you buy and why?:popcorn::hide:

We have Kohlers on Conundrum. I had an Onan in our previous boat. Both brands were reliable and easy to maintain and reach filters and impellers etc.
I’ve been extremely happy with my new NL 12kw genset. The new sound shied is super quiet. Just installed a water separator so excited to hear what she sounds like once the boat goes back in the water this morning.
Northern Lights would be my first choice. Having had two, with dealer support, world wide availability of parts and reliability, we’d buy another.
having owned all 3, I would stick with NL 1st Onan 2nd WB 40th
My local marine generator supply and repair facility said this to me when I asked them which was the best generator to buy:

"We repair and rebuild Onans, Kohlers and Westerbekes.

"We only change filters on Northern Lights"!!!

I have the Northern Lights!!

That's my 2-cents.
We have an 8kw Northern Light. Hums like a sewing machine. Amazed at how smooth and quiet that it runs. Has sound shield / enclosure. I removed the front cover of the enclosure for observation purposes. Is still very quiet.:thumb:
I have to vote for the NL. I also have to admit that I am totally biases. The president of NL is a friend of mine as well as the service mgr, production mgr and the QC mngr. All those guys take it personal when a unit isn’t perfect.
It may depend on what size generator you want. Phasor has been selling a lot to Hatteras owners wanting replacements for Onan 20kw units. I have the Onan and a 12kw NL and am happy with both SO FAR. I anticipate having to replace the Onan in the future as some critical parts are getting hard to find.
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Phasor assembled in FL. Don't know if available in your area. $12.5K installed including removing old WB and installing new waterlift muffler.

Kubota 3 cyl D1105 engine.
1800 rpm permanent magnet generator (no brushes)
I do not have the sound shield box.

Simple and quiet as can be. I could have easily installed this myself if not for the heavy lifting.
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