Which MOB beacon would you get?

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Veteran Member
Apr 9, 2021
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Grand Banks EU 47
I’m looking at getting a MOB beacon to attach to my life jacket. What woudl you get and why?

- ACR ResQLink AIS PLB - This has AIS MOB, but also will broadcast on the 406 MHz…. Someone said thats more for body recovery than any type of rescue.

Link: ResQLink AIS Personal Locator Beacon - ACR ARTEX

- ACR MOB1 AIS PLB - This has AIS MOB as well, does not broadcast on the 406 MHz frequency like the PLB above, but does send out DSC via VHF

Link: rescueME MOB1 Personal AIS Beacon | Ocean Signal

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.
More capability is better - provided you are equally likely to carry the device.

My feeling has always been that in crowded waters or near shore (Portland) the AIS beacon is better, giving you the best chance of immediate rescue. Especially if not single handing.
we just installed the mob1 from ocean signal. a lot smaller then one would think. Fits well in the inflatable. hope to never be able to report how well it works.

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