Which one of you is this??

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Aug 29, 2014
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Kingston Aluminum Yacht 44' Custom
ImageUploadedByTrawler Forum1438542114.529935.jpg

I snagged a few crappy pics of this fine vessel through the binoculars just now. She's called First Snow. She was off Stoneport, Michigan, headed north on a gloomy, squally day.

Is that a Selene?
Yes I believe so. Judging by the saloon windows she should be in the 60'ish foot range.

Yeah, I was thinking upper 50s. Lovely boat.
At least a 53', Yes, it is Selene. Hard to mistake the "wannabe" windows in the pilot house.
At least a 53', Yes, it is Selene. Hard to mistake the "wannabe" windows in the pilot house.

I might be the only one here but I think the term "wannabe" windows is a touch harsh or even crass. I personally woundn't think of having a bluewater boat with any other type of windows. The benefits totally outweigh any negative look in the design. On a boat like Moonstruck they would look just plain stupid.. but at sea, at night, in the rain or in the right harsh light they are the best.

Selene probably used them for the look.

I might be the only one here but I think the term "wannabe" windows is a touch harsh or even crass. I personally woundn't think of having a bluewater boat with any other type of windows. The benefits totally outweigh any negative look in the design. On a boat like Moonstruck they would look just plain stupid.. but at sea, at night, in the rain or in the right harsh light they are the best.

Selene probably used them for the look.


Not my term. Notice it is in quotation marks. That term can be attributed to one of our esteemed forum members. In fact a member with a very high message count. . . . ., snd that's all I've got to say about that.
Not my term. Notice it is in quotation marks. That term can be attributed to one of our esteemed forum members. In fact a member with a very high message count. . . . ., snd that's all I've got to say about that.

Would that be the one who would tell you it wasn't a trawler also. ;)

I think you are on to something, Ted.

the same one who thinks grand banks are ugly?

OC, you are one of the lucky ones that KNOW the attributes of forward sloped pilot house windows. Great boat by the way!


Thought I was the first one criticized for wannabe pilothouse windows (love 'em)!

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Tough Crowd!


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Yeah, not feeling the love here either.


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Don't get the wrong idea, guys. We love all boats! But I hear it's bad luck to post pics of your boat with its old name. Hope that's not true, Richard.

Don't get the wrong idea, guys. We love all boats! But I hear it's bad luck to post pics of your boat with its old name. Hope that's not true, Richard.


I think you're mistaken. Take a closer look at the photo.


I really like the 'wannabe' winders. I've seen that phrase thrown around here and was wondering where it stemmed from...
When I built my previous boat, a / foot troller, I put foreward sloping windows in the wheel house. Several advantages.

Present boat doesn't have them.


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I'm always happy to see Oki. Such a great boat! She'd look odd with forward sloped windows. The vertical ones you have are a perfect fit.
I fully understand the attributes and advantages of reverse raked windshields on vessels that will benefit from them On most toy recreational boats they are simpky butt ugly in my opinion, serve no purpose other than trying to look "seaworthy," and basically ruin the aesthetics of every boat that has them, again in my opinion. Hence my term "wannabe windows". Not much differnt than "wannabe trawlers" i guess.

Whether or not a person chooses to use this term thenselves is not my concern. It's what i call them, same as "cabin cruiser" or "diesel cabin cruiser" is how i refer to our boat since that's what it actually is. It is no more a "trawler" than my Ford pickup is a Formula One car.

And yes, I don't find Grand Banks boats all that good looking despite having one.
I fully understand the attributes and advantages of reverse raked windshields on vessels that will benefit from them. On most toy recreational boats they are simply butt ugly in my opinion, serve no purpose other than trying to look "seaworthy," and basically ruin the aesthetics of every boat that has them, again in my opinion. Hence my term "wannabe windows". Not much different than "wannabe trawlers" I guess.

I suppose you could say the same sort of things about the shutters on my house. A working shutter serves a purpose, but mine are just dummies. I like the way they look, though. I also have a wannabe rear diffuser on my car. :socool:

Actually, I think the windows on that Selene are my favorite part of the whole design. The way the angle plays off the Portuguese bridge, and how it all ties into the sheer and rake of the bow really does it for me. I've always admired that part of the Nordhavn 46 as well.
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I agree, on Oki they would not look right.
When first converted she had a large flying-bridge (dodger). It didn't
look right either. I'm glad I only saw one picture of it. Removed long
before I saw her.


I agree, on Oki they would not look right.
When first converted she had a large flying-bridge (dodger). It didn't
look right either. I'm glad I only saw one picture of it. Removed long
before I saw her.


Oh yeah, I can definitely see that spoiling her lines. You're better off without it for sure.
Well, design is subjective just like music. What I think sucks someone else may think is great. I think wannabe windows are the very definition of ugly but i can fully appreciate their function on vessels that require that function. Toy boats don't need the function, therefore they are simply ugly in my opinion. I would never buy a Selene, for example, because i have no interest in running what to me is an very ugly boat.

The people who buy Selenes obviously feel differently.

Grand Banks are okay in my opinion but there are far better looking designs. Most production boats, particularly those from the past twenty years or so I find pretty ugly. I understand the reason why, as interior space takes precedence over exterior aesthetics, at least my definition of exterior aesthetics.

A few production boats I find very good looking. Eastbays, for example, the ones without flying bridges. Nordic Tugs and Victory Tugs are very nice, again the ones without flying bridges in the case of the Nordic Tugs. The pilothouse de Fever design used on American Marine Alaskans, Flemings, and boats like the de Fever 46 are the best looking production boats around in my opinion.

But when it comes to the aesthetics of design, be it cars, boats or shoes, there's no wrong or right, there's just different. Someone may feel that a design element is very "wrong," but that opinion is only valid for that person. Others may agree, others may not, but it doesn't really matter to that one individual. What he or she thinks is what he or she thinks.
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I guess Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Speaking of butt ugly which boat gets the votes for the ugliest butt ?
Photos proving this required.
Here's my own butt,which I like apart from no boarding platform.
In regards to Marin's take on good looking boats,I agree your hard pressed to go past Art Defever's designs,he a good eye for a seaboat.
A lot of modern boats are just trying too damn hard.
Sorry,here it is.


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I believe the most butt ugly boats out there are the ones carrying the dinghy slung vertically on the swim platform. Moonstruck has no other good way to carry. I hate it, but love my dinghy. In fact, won't be without one. It absolutely ruins the lines of a boat.

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I believe the most butt ugly boats out there are the ones carrying the dinghy slung vertically on the swim platform. Moonstruck has no other good way to carry. I hate it, but love my dinghy. In fact, won't be without one. It absolutely ruins the lines of a boat.

Glad you said what I've always thought. Like attaching a pop up trailer to a BMW sedan.

Glad you said what I've always thought. Like attaching a pop up trailer to a BMW sedan.


Now, you are getting personal, Ted. You mean it is not proper to pull my Hi-Lo trailer with my SL 500?

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