Wind damage

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Jul 27, 2020
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Vessel Make
Nordic Tug 42
Anyone have damage or other issues with the recent (and ongoing) storm. Quite windy here in Plymouth MA. Friend sent a vid of the boat in Hilton Head SC. Fortunately boat doing well as well. How are you doing?
Haven't gone down to check on the boat yet this storm, but it's in indoor storage, so I'm not concerned. I've been there in higher winds than we've gotten so far today and it gets pretty loud in the storage building (with some occasional slightly concerning noises). But I've never seen any wind related damage to the building (and we're not particularly close to a wall if any of the metal sheeting panels were to get damaged), so I'm not concerned.
Walked around this morning at high tide. Local boat house was surrounded by water. Some docks are damaged and beach parking lot was completely flooded. Highest wind gust was 63. Tried to post pics but they came thu upside down. Rain and wind are picking up again
We've had a little beach erosion today after the AM high tide in Narragansett Bay, but not too bad. A lot of splash over the seawall and I never saw the water so high. Guessing 3'+ surge. Hopefully wind will shift before next tide.
I have never seen the tide so high the walkway to the sea wall was fully covered and the house at the end of the point was cut off for a few hours.
I think the storm surge combined with the spring tide is going to set a record around here. The building at our marina reportedly had 6" of water in it. That hasn't happened before. I think one corner of it got a little wet once.

Still, looking at the news, even with flooding, power outages and wind damage here, I feel bad for most of the rest of the country who've had it even worse. Although apparently the cold is heading our way next.
We drove about 1,300 miles south and a bit west from Michigan to Dallas. The temperature here in Dallas was 22. It was 22 at home in Michigan today. We left Little Rock this morning with 8 degrees and wind blowing 25+ MPH. Oh well…
Blowing like snot here and expected in the 20s tonight and even the teens on Sunday morning for a short time. Boat hanging in covered slip broadside to the wind but ok, even though thoroughly cold soaked. Checking my heaters out there late tonight.
I keep my boat in the water and actually feel more comfortable when the winds are this high. I have seen too many blocked boats get blown over. In the water the boat does what it’s made to do.
I keep my boat in the water and actually feel more comfortable when the winds are this high. I have seen too many blocked boats get blown over. In the water the boat does what it’s made to do.

Indeed. I have seen them blown over in the local yard like windrows. Not blocking my boat for hurricanes or any other natural disaster.
Lots of flooding in Wickford RI. Yacht club and adjacent marina took lots of water. Streets flooded. Happens with strong SSE or easterly winds and a high tide. Highest gust was 55 mph at around 07:30.
Boat is back in its slip in Fort Myers. The dock survived hurricane Ian with its 150+ knot winds and 8' storm surge, so not to worried. As others have mentioned, I prefer to be in the water in a protected marina.

While we're not getting the bone chilling cold temperatures, it will drop from the upper 70s this afternoon to the upper 30s tomorrow morning. The worst of the winds have come and gone with the passage of the front.

Granddaughter's family arrives tomorrow and she isn't going to be happy about waiting for more moderate air temperatures to go in the swimming pool.

Hope you all are feeling my pain. :hide:

Several boatyards in and around Newburyport including mine were flooded. The water almost reached the top of the blocking under my boat. The surge at high tide was about 5 above normal. Fortunately, it receded quickly after the tide turned. I didn’t see or hear of any strictly wind related damage.

Boat is back in its slip in Fort Myers. The dock survived hurricane Ian with its 150+ knot winds and 8' storm surge, so not to worried. As others have mentioned, I prefer to be in the water in a protected marina.

While we're not getting the bone chilling cold temperatures, it will drop from the upper 70s this afternoon to the upper 30s tomorrow morning. The worst of the winds have come and gone with the passage of the front.

Granddaughter's family arrives tomorrow and she isn't going to be happy about waiting for more moderate air temperatures to go in the swimming pool.

Hope you all are feeling my pain. :hide:


I feel your pain, Ted. It’s 9 degrees out right now.

60 knt gusts here on the North shore,no damage, 1 of the solar panels did rotate about 40 degrees,the other was fine,that wind driven rain sure finds the leaks though
Glad to hear no serious damage. Was more con about boat down south where such an event this time of year is unusual.
Anyone have damage or other issues with the recent (and ongoing) storm. Quite windy here in Plymouth MA. Friend sent a vid of the boat in Hilton Head SC. Fortunately boat doing well as well. How are you doing?

This may not help you as I think you are at the other end of the island.

We keep an eye on our slip with this one:

This is of the new Quarter Deck, food was good, view is better.

A few of our favorite restaurants

Finally you would not have to worry about a slip in Windmill Harbor as it is one of three Locked harbors on the East Coast or so they claim. There is at least one 45 foot for sale in there, and I have considered buying one myself as they can be rented out when you are not there plus it is a claimed Storm Shelter by some. Plus you have access to a good Yacht Club with multiple reciprocal memberships along the East Coast. The last pictures is of Windmill Harbor. You could also talk to I think it is Jake, the Harbormaster as they have slips for rent as well.


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Just returned from the marina where I did a wellness check. My boat was fine. A few boats that had not been covered yet had the isenglass blown out and a ripped canvas.
Sailing friends are also keeping there boat in skull creek. Main shore fresh water pipe froze. They’re going to savanna until it’s sorted out.
Mine's blocked in the yard. Hopefully she stays upright and the shrink wrap stays on.

Same here. Last week we got 25-40mph winds and temps to nearly 20 below zero F (not wind chill, actual). Haven't checked the boat yet but we'll visit this weekend. It'll be a good test of the blocking, shrink wrap and whether the windows in the new side panels in the canopy can tolerate extreme cold without shattering. They used Regalite for the new panels last summer -- supposed be rated to 30 below zero, but as I understand it that's the cold-crack rating, if you actually try to flex it when cold. If the shrink wrap holds up, there should be little to no flexing inside. We'll see.
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