Wiring diagram software and/or app recommendations

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Oct 3, 2021
Vessel Name
Island Rambler
Vessel Make
Martin Lobster 32
I’m sure this is the first time in history this has happened, but my boat did not come with any wiring diagrams 8). Since I’m going to be doing some major re-work of the electrical systems on the boat, I want to document the ‘new’ system as I rebuild it. I used to use schematic software tools back when I did real engineering work, about 100 years ago, but have not used any software or apps for drawing wiring diagrams recently. Would love to hear what other folks on the forum use if you’re not still using paper and pencil. Thanks for your comments in advance! Phil
Lucid Chart is a web based software and is free. Works great for basic diagramming or a paid version for more advanced features.
I've started using EasyEDA.com as a web based software. I was introduced to it through the "Boat Electrics 101 - Safe & Reliable DC Systems" course provided by BoatHowTo.com, which is a new site built by Nigel Calder, Dr. Jan C. Athenstädt and Michael Herrmann. Since I am not a marine electrician, this course was very helpful for me. Also, they supply sample wiring diagrams and pre-determined wiring symbols for boat electronics within their EasyEDA site. (EasyEDA is meant for circuit boards, I think, so their customizations are useful.) Together, the course ($199) and the EasyEDA (free) are useful for me.

The downside is that the course is sailboat intensive, as you can imagine.

Good luck.
I use Microsoft Visio for pictorial style wiring diagrams. This is not appropriate for schematic capture, but is sufficient and more usable for wiring documentation of power circuits and component hook ups.

I've created a wide variety of custom stencils by capturing pictures from vendor's web sites of the components to be used and then depict component vendor/model number, wiring colors and size, and other notes related to installation.

Here's a sample:

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