YAY! New charger!

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Moderator Emeritus
Jul 30, 2009
Vessel Name
Skinny Dippin'
Vessel Make
Navigator 4200 Classic
Nothing to do except to gloat. Over the past two days, I installed a brand new 60A Sterling Power charger (with remote) and lost about 50 pounds of 90's technology copper and steel (the black one below). It was actually pretty easy after I pulled a chunk of exhaust tubing out, however, my back will pay the price for "Boat Yoga". That thing was NOT in a very accessible spot. Which is why I opted for the remote.

Pics you say?

Sure... I shall oblige.


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Nice, clean install, Tom. I started a similar project last weekend, but you're a lot farther ahead.

Boat Yoga, perfect description
Angus, what are the orange boxes, batteries?
Tom, that's what I affectionately call "Yacht Yoga".
Boat Yoga, perfect description
Angus, what are the orange boxes, batteries?

Parks, they are 6-volt 305 AGM floor sweeper batteries. There will be 8 of them at 312 AH per pair for a house bank of 1248 AH. They are not as tall as L16s and, at 105 lbs each, I can still move them around without help and without rupturing myself. They and the Magnum inverter/charger are part of a major upgrade to the DC system I've begun which will include higher output alternators, remote regulators, other peripherals and very likely solar. Rather than pirate Tom's thread any further, I'll start a new one on my projects.

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Or finding that you need two elbows on each arm.
Angus: are you installing the 2812? We've been very happy with ours.
Angus, Very cool installation. Looks like you get a work bench out of the deal as well.
Tom: I think you will be really happy with the move to a new inverter-charger. The new charging technology they have nowadays will likely lead to longer battery life.

Tom: I think you will be really happy with the move to a new inverter-charger. The new charging technology they have nowadays will likely lead to longer battery life.


No inverter yet. This is a charger only. I am not a fan of all-in-one units.
Tom, I'm with you in not liking all in one units. I will be buying a new charger early next year so I'm glad you posted on your project.

I have a question, does the 3 bank charger sense each bank and say charge only bank 3 if it's voltage drops or does it send charge to all 3? I haven't found this info on the charger sites. OOps, sorry, I did find a site for installing Sterling chargers that said it would charge each bank as needed.

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I have a question, does the 3 bank charger sense each bank and say charge only bank 3 if it's voltage drops or does it send charge to all 3? I haven't found this info on the charger sites.


Yes, it should sense the bank that needs the charge.
Comes with a temp sensor too :)
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