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Senior Member
Oct 16, 2022
Anybody have a 79 Albin 36ft aft cabin? Curious about the zincs. I only see 1 on the rudder and 1 on the shaft right behind the prop.

Should there be 1 more? On other boats I usually see 1 under the swim platform as well.

Also, how would you add another?

As always, thanks for the replies
No to the boat type but 2 cents worth.
Standard protection is each shaft, rudder and trim tab.
The large bonding plate on the hull is the end of the line for the interior loop protecting all through hull fittings. It is mounted with through hull bolts with sealant and extend outside far enough to bolt through the plate allowing for exterior removal and replacement.
Our last boat had 2 transom plates and so does our current boat. Do you have a bonding system in the boat hooking every metal below the waterline together? If you do then I would add a transom anode or two. Just drill two 1/2” holes on the transom below the waterline and use 1/2”316 S/S allthread to bolt to the transom and then to bolt the anode to the bolts. On the inside connect the allthread to the last thing in the bonding system. If you don’t have a bonding system that is a whole different discussion.
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