Pairadice and ASD Alaska Adventure 2017

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Jul 6, 2012
Vessel Name
Alaskan Sea-Duction
Vessel Make
1988 M/Y Camargue YachtFisher
This summer Crusty and ASD will post HERE from time to time so you can follow our adventures to Alaska.

Mission Statement:


We have no schedule, other than fireworks in Wrangell on the 4th and getting as far north as Juneau, where we will take the ferry to Skagway to ride the steam locomotive.

Within the next week I will post my "SPOT" web link so if AIS is not working you can find us on the Spot.

Currently Pairadice is at Oak Harbor and ASD is still on the Columbia River. I will be checking weather starting this weekend to cross the bar at the end of the month. We plan to meet Crusty in the San Juan Islands.

That's it for now. Thanks for following!:dance:
I'm sure that a lot of us TF's will be looking forward to your posts. I know you'll have a great time.
Badger might be somewhere between Douglas Channel and Hakai Pass this summer, so we might 'bump' into you :D
If your travels lead you to the west side of Prince of Wales island in a radius around Craig, we're bound to see you. We will also be in the fish-chasing mode. We're leaving Bellingham at the end of May, and will be passing through Wrangell and Petersburg enroute to the outside, timing indeterminate at this point.

Ken Hatt Trick
Have a great and safe trip folks and if you really like steam trains, as I do, check this one out in the UK that they have currently been testing.
Hi everyone!

While here at Oak Harbor we are catching up on personnel business, a bit of boat maintenance and some shopping.

One item that came up before but we never seamed to get a consensus of, is a TF reunion in Alaska. SO Ill just put it out there and see if we can come up with a date and location that we all might meet up and celebrate a wee bit as people instead of someone on the ole interweb!

Now as I recall, we did have lots of interest and even a list going of people who will be up there during the summer. Ill try and find it on another thread, and post it here also.

Other than Wrangell for the forth, which may not work for everyone, and Juneau in June sometime, we are pretty much open, unless were killing the fish big time. If you have a good location that can support at least 10 boats, maybe more, please post your ideas here.

One way or another, ASD and Pairadice both look forward to meeting as many of you as possible this trip!

Cheers, John
Rogue will be heading N the middle of next month. Won't be going as far N this year. Plans are for Smith Sound, and maybe the Spitfire Group. Heading S we may head into Belize for a second time. Planning on about 3 months poking around. We will have beverages aboard and it would be fun to meet up with some of you TF travelers.
Fishing in Juneau area is not looking good. The state has shut down fishing for king salmon in the Juneau area.
Follow Us On SPOT

If you all want to see where we are on our trip, click on the below link to our "Spot." Save the link to your favorites. It will start tracking when we leave Thursday morning April 27th for Cathlament/Astoria. If you open the shared page now, you will see our trip to Kalama for fuel.

Spot Shared Page!!!

SPOT Shared Page
Finally found the list on another post. If you would like to add yours to the list feel free to copy, paste and add yours. Or post and either Tom or I will modify.

We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible, still looking for ideas on date and location for a TF Gathering.

Boat Name / Crew

Interim / Ron & JoAnne
Hat Trick / Ken
Silver Bay / Tom, Rob n' Lee
Dream Catcher / Richard
Safe Harbor
SLO~Belle / Al
Pairadice / John & Tracy
Alaskan Sea-Duction / Tom & Kay
Tanglewood / Peter
All weather
Coast Eagle
Fiddler / Dale & Cathleen
Sunchaser / Tom & Jan
Alternative / Ken
Dauntless / Richard

Cheers, John
We plan on being at Wrangell for the 4th, is the anchorage large enough to accommodate?
Believe we have a TF member in or near Wrangell who could answer that question. Al, where are you?
I believe so if we get there early enough. Most likely be spread out between the two marinas. If we had a number of boats we could call the harbor master ahead of time.
Sounds great all.

I'm envious.
Nice day in the San Juan Islands.
We left The dark and dreary Oak Harbor Marina this morning for Roche Harbor. Perfect timing for Deception Pass and got a 2.5 Knot push. Was a little snotty crossing the Straits, but once inside the islands the sun came out and seas calmed down. Cocktails in 2 hrs.
Cheers everyone


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This summer Crusty and ASD will post HERE from time to time so you can follow our adventures to Alaska.

Mission Statement:


Oh you cruel, cruel man, you!

(I do hope they are tasty.)
ASD in Astoria OR. Heading across the bar in the morning.


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Have a safe crossing then an uneventful trip up the coast.
Just texted Tom, lumpy seas at the Bar, should be turning North soon. Then things should smooth out.
Things go bad on Thursday but appear just for a day, so it's get where you're going before then or seek cover for the day.
Making the turn now around Cape Flattery. 12 knots following seas and wind.
Making the turn now around Cape Flattery. 12 knots following seas and wind.

There's something very special about making that turn. Some sense of accomplishment. The feeling you've won and are close to your first stop.
I will NEVER EVER cross that bar on an ebb tide. We crossed an hour after high tide and the USCG called for 4-6 feet building to 8-12 AFTER 9 AM!! BS. It came early. 10+ with breakers over the top. I swear we dropped 20 feet out of the sky. Couldn't turn around. The only option was forward. As soon as I hit the gap between the first and second green buoy I started to head north. Took about an hour to clear the Columbia River influence. It was uncomfortable for about another 2 hours. Then we started to get SE winds and following seas.

Then my stomach turned loose. The Admiral offered to give me a patch for behind the ear. Did I accept? Oh no!! I am a macho man!!!! The girls took over for the next 3 hours while I laid on the floor flopping like a fish!

Made Neah Bay. Had to untangle the anchor rode as it "jumped" out of its storage well into the guest bed! No big deal.

Cranked the Genny. It turned 1/4 turn and stopped. Now I am thing new generator. Crusty to the rescue! He told me that he had read on TF about the genny sucking up water causing a hydraulic lock. We discussed the procedure. 2 hours later, I had a running generator and a very big mess to clean up.

Thanks TF and Crusty for the help.

Pics tomorrow. I am going to bed.
Tom, sorry to hear about your trip over the bar. Glad you're now in the (relatively) protected Strait. How did the dinghy and davit hold up in the rough seas?
They are on the way to Friday Harbor. We decided to meet up with them this afternoon in FH. I think its time for a couple stiff ones to celebrate their passage.
More to come.
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