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  1. 4

    Bilge water evaporation

    Is it possible to keep all the water out? A couple guys with a boat like mine say they always have an inch or 2 of water in their bilge. Sorry if this is a ridiculous question.....I am learning as I go. Thanks.
  2. 4

    Bilge water evaporation

    I do live aboard. I try to keep the humidity below 40%. Just trying to do as much as I can for the few months in the fall and in the spring when the temps inside versus outside cause sweating on the hull in the engine room. Not sure if this is possible. Thanks.
  3. 4

    Bilge water evaporation

    Ok, I am a noob to boating/liveaboards. In my 3rd year of this life. There is about an inch and a half of water down in the V of the hull. There is always water there. Leaks are coming in from scuppers that plug occasionally and then leak into the boat. When I hear the bilge pump run I know...
  4. 4

    Hydraulic Anchor winch versus windlass

    I have a 41' Cheermen Trawler with 2 perkins diesel engines. I have a buddy that has an anchor winch that is run off of a pump from his motor(similar boat as mine), but I have seen smaller boats with package winches. Small electric pumps driving a drum. They look handy with less maintenance than...
  5. 4

    Hydraulic Anchor winch versus windlass

    Thinking of switching from windlass to a hydraulic system. I have a thompson drum, that I picked up with chain and line, that I would like to use instead of the windlass. The Thompson would have considerably more power than the windlass I currently have to pull up the anchor. Tides are a bit...
  6. 4

    Perkins heat exchanger

    Complete overhaul of the exchanger crossed my mind. Unfortunately I live on an island in Alaska. There is nobody remotely close, that could do the work. So I am doing hands on repairs. Hopefully my repair is good. If the leak resurfaces I will have to take the route of removal, shipping it out...
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    Perkins heat exchanger

    Another pic.
  8. 4

    Perkins heat exchanger

    More pics Got it cleaned up a bit more. Does this look right?
  9. 4

    Perkins heat exchanger

    The question is.....does the exchanger stick out about 1/8" (as the photo kind of shows) or is it supposed to be flush with the housing?
  10. 4

    Perkins heat exchanger

    Hi, I have a 1987 Cheermen PT41 with 2 Perkins ST6.3544M motors. Trying to find diagrams of the heat exchanger so I can attempt a repair. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  11. 4

    Asd 2023 se alaska

    Ketchikan Yacht Club is a good spot to visit in Thomas Basin, Ketchikan, Alaska. Lots of stuff to do and see here. Fish should start showing up the next few weeks.
  12. 4

    Perkins diesel engine oil

    New to boats. I am a big fan of synthetic engine oil. Used it in my trucks, cars, race cars.....all gas engines, and had really good mileage without any issues. Can I or should I put synthetic oil in my perkins engines in the boat? Engines are from the late 80's with low hours, less than 3200 on...
  13. 4

    Winter blanket storage

    Thanks all. Looking to stop the mold and mildew. Vac bags and dryer sheets it is!
  14. 4

    Winter blanket storage

    Hello all, new to forum. I live aboard a Cheermen PT41, in SE Alaska. New to liveaboards. Any recommendations on storing winter blankets? Would like to store them for 4 months or so.....until winter arrives again.
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