What is this switch?

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Mar 23, 2024
Vessel Name
Vessel Make
Rodman 900
This boat is fairly new to us and there is one remaining switch that I haven’t figured out. I think it might be the sewage pump out, so I haven’t pressed it to see what it does. We are not in an area that is safe for dumping our own waste. Thanks
This is a complete guess but maybe it turns on the circuit for a tank level sensor
I’d second that guess. There’s a gauge that has a red zone at the upper end of the range. That should be black or grey water.
The above are probably correct, or maybe it toggles between two tanks.

This is definitely the case for finding an owners manual.
I won’t be down at the boat for a couple days, but I’m about 90% sure Ted is right, it toggles between the fuel tanks.

If I had asked this question before our 100 mile cruise up the coast to bring her home, it would have saved my an unscheduled stop in Half Moon Bay and dealing with a vapor locked engine. I made the assumption that one fuel gauge and two tanks meant they were self leveling.

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