1'st cruise of 2019

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Veteran Member
Apr 4, 2016
Vessel Name
Knot Dreaming
Vessel Make
1995 Silverton 41
We took our 1'st cruise of 2019 on Jan. 3'rd and had a great time. It was only for the day, about 40 miles, but the weather was great, seas 1 ft. Inland calm. Our son, daughter in law, and 4 grandsons were down from Ohio visiting and they were sure enjoying our Fla. weather. We left home port Tarpon Springs and went out into the Gulf, cut south to Clearwater Pass. We cut inside to the Icw and headed north back to home port. Boat ran great and we all had a wonderful time. Time on the boat with family, does it get any better than that? I also had plenty of help steering the boat.


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So envious that I don't live where boating in January is possible - well, enjoyably anyway, but I'll have that option soon enough. Thank you for sharing the memories you're building with your family and for passing down the joy of boating.
No life jackets for the kids?

David, I left that up to the kids parents. They are exceptionally well behaved and always do what they are told and are always right next to an adult. When we were at high speed cruise, they all stayed in their seats surrounded by adults. We spent most of our time at 7 knots and as you can see the water was calm. I know of no law requiring kids to wear life jackets, but, since I no longer have young kids living at home I guess I havn't researched it so I will. If anyone knows of such a law here in Fla., please tell me and we will abide by it.
No life jackets for the kids?


Believe it or not, its not a wear requirement in FL unless their PFD is a Type V Hybrid. In NJ its 12 years old less is required if out on deck. Thats the legal requirement. Mean Capt Archie says kids 12 and under need to wear them on the dock as well as on board. Not optional.
Well, It did not take long to find out the info on life jackets for kids if Fla. There is no state law requiring life jackets for kids on boats over 26 ft., but there is the federal law requiring coast guard approved pfd on all children under 13. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa. It will not happen again. Thank you for pointing this out.
Here is a breakdown of Florida life jacket laws:

All recreational vessels must have at least one personal flotation device (PFD) that is U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) approved and of the proper size for each person on boat
Vessels 16 feet or longer must have one “throwable” Type IV PFD which is USCG approved and immediately available
Children under six years old must wear a USCG approved life jacket at all times on any vessel less than 26 feet in length that is underway in Florida waters
Children under 13 years of age on vessels operating on waters outside the geographical boundaries of Florida must wear a USCG approved PFD unless the child is below deck or in an enclosed cabin

It’s interesting that many states have 13 as the age.
Michael, thanks for taking us along on your 1st cruise of the year. Looks like everyone is having a great time and the best part of it is that you are all making good memories.

Our "pfd law" (it's called "my boat, my laws) requires pfd's on little ones any time they are outside the cabin. If the cabin door is open when we're at anchor, all the little ones have to have a pfd on no matter where they are on the boat. Little ones move too darn fast.

No exceptions, no relying on parents to keep an eye on them, etc.
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17 degrees here today, cove is iced up. Only boating I am doing is wishful:whistling:
My dad lives and boats out of Stuart, FL, while our boat is a popsicle on jackstands here in South Dakota at an oddly warm 26 degrees right now. Those photos look great to me.

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