Camano Troll small oval shaped port hole screen replacements

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Jan 4, 2015
Does anyone know where I can find the small oval shaped replacement screens for my 2004 Camano Troll?
Thank you
Hi - Defender should have them.

I saw a nice article in Practical Sailor on making replacements, mine are toast as well. I will check Defender as well, but at least I have the old ones to use as patterns if I can't find suitable replacements
I saw a nice article in Practical Sailor on making replacements, mine are toast as well. I will check Defender as well, but at least I have the old ones to use as patterns if I can't find suitable replacements
Please let me know if any luck finding the exact screen fit at Defender .
Thank you
I replace my screens from a roll of screen material. My screen frame has a length of 1/8 rubber that goes into a track pushing the screen tight. over cut the screen, install and then trim OR take a good one apart and use for a template.

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