N4 - One Step Closure

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Feb 7, 2010
I'm pleased to share with other trawler owners that our decision to "test the waters" and see if spending time aboard would improve both our physical and emotional conditions as we bounce back from Mary's health issues appear to have paid off. After only a few months of enjoying N3 we believe we are ready to explore the next chapter in our Nordhavn journey. We decided to list N3522 for sale recognizing it will likely take 6-9 months to find her a good home which will provide us plenty of time to find our next trawler. While our track record has been with Nordhavn, we will explore other builders as part of our search.

Unlike past decisions to change boats this one comes with the added reservation that a lot also rides on possible changes at work which may result in leaving boating all together until retirement or even possibly keeping N3522. As with life, sometimes the best plans can change. In the mean time we look forward to spending as much time aboard La Tempestad as possible.

Last week I gave up on the stuffing box and had it repacked to address the inconsistent temperature readings. Tomorrow we plan to take her out and put some hours on the engine and start to dial in the tightness.

Will keep everyone posted on our journey.

La Tempestad:)
Will you be buying new or used, or both? Good Luck on the sale and search! :)
All the best on your new search and enjoy La Tempestad while you have her.
Hope work does not get in the way of boating enjoyment and you have continued good health.
Everyone has different circumstances, but don't work one day longer than you need to.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
– Mark Twain

And another favorite, which I'll make a toast to N4 (or next boat whatever she is):

To good health, wealth and the time to enjoy all!
N4 New or Used

Will you be buying new or used, or both? Good Luck on the sale and search! :)

At this point we are keeping all options on the table but with the cost of new Nordhavn's increasing much quicker than our income we are not sure.

Thanks to everyone else who sent kind comments! :)
At this point we are keeping all options on the table but with the cost of new Nordhavn's increasing much quicker than our income we are not sure. Thanks to everyone else who sent kind comments! :)
i know what you mean. The used 47 market quickly picked up for Nordhavn, there's only one left.
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