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Oct 5, 2021
Palm Beach County
Vessel Name
Sun Dog
Vessel Make
Mainship 34
While my head was inches from the engine I was noticing some rust near the water pump since I'm replacing the impeller. Is Ospho still a good product to use on rust? Never used it in a saltwater environment.
Seems to be a favorite with many saltwater commercial fishermen.

See it in all the shops that cater to them and I worked with a few that had experience commercial fishermen and they always went for Ospho.

I lean towards Corroseal as I had a friend that was a distributer back in the late 1970's and it still seems popular today.

Not as strong as an acid like Ospho but needs a little more careful prep and one or two or even three coats if the rust is left too thick.
While my head was inches from the engine I was noticing some rust near the water pump since I'm replacing the impeller. Is Ospho still a good product to use on rust? Never used it in a saltwater environment.

Ospho is my go-to product for rusting steel in any environment. Wire brush the surface as well as you can, vacuum up the flakes and powder, saturate with Ospho (I use a pump sprayer on larger surfaces), allow to dry and then prime / paint. Always had good results.
We used ospho exclusively on the steel commercial boats I ran. Apply like Blissboat said. Best part is it's cheap in the paint area of the big box store. I've used it on old cars too, anything steel.

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