Perko tube latch

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Veteran Member
Jan 15, 2015
Vessel Name
Sea Witch
Vessel Make
Kadey Krogen 42 #47
I’m trying to find a replacement, as in different brand, for my broken Perko tubular latch set. There seem to be some online that look similar. Has anyone found a good replacement that doesn’t require major refitting? Suggestions welcome.


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I’m trying to find a replacement, as in different brand, for my broken Perko tubular latch set. There seem to be some online that look similar. Has anyone found a good replacement that doesn’t require major refitting? Suggestions welcome.
If you find a direct replacement please post. We had three of those on our Krogen. They were terrible to say the least. At the end of the day we kept rebuilding them. :facepalm: The only alternative was to cut and plug the door and then cut a new latch system.
They do suck. I carried spare assemblies aboard and replaced them several times.

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