Welding CQR Hinge

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Jun 1, 2012
Looking at my old 20# CQR (23 lbs actually) the hinge is well-worn. I'm wondering if it would be a benefit to weld it solid, like a Delta basically. Any thoughts?
Don’t waste a good anchor. Buy the delta that you want and sell the CQR.
If you are thinking of replacing it anyway, it sure would be an interesting experiment.
Yes I had that thought too.

I would spot weld it in a way that would hold for function testing. Something short of Steve G’s violent reversals.
If that test passes I’d spot weld pads like most of the common roll bar anchors onto the outer sides of the back of the flukes. The idea being that the far aft end of the fluke area of the anchor would be elevated a bit at the rear “tipping” the pointy end of the fluke into the seabed. Setting may promptly commence.

I sat out a 50 knot gale w a 45’ sailboat and a 42 Krogen. The Krogen dragged across the anchorage nearly into us whereas we pulled anchor and ran up around him to reanchor where he had been. He managed to stop the drag and we both stayed in place till morning.
The sailboat also upped his CQR anchor and moved over some. He didn’t drag at all as far as I could tell.
The Krogen used a big Bruce and we used an 18lb XYZ .. modified. The Krogen guy said he hooked a small tree and that caused the drag.

W/o the tree it looks like it would have been w/o the extra drama. The CQR held well and I became a believer in CQR holding power .. at least up to the level of a good Bruce. Many here have anchored hundreds of times w the Bruce over the years.
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Yes I had that thought too.

I would spot weld it in a way that would hold for function testing. Something short of Steve G’s violent reversals.
If that test passes I’d spot weld pads like most of the common roll bar anchors onto the outer sides of the back of the flukes. The idea being that the far aft end of the fluke area of the anchor would be elevated a bit at the rear “tipping” the pointy end of the fluke into the seabed. Setting may promptly commence.

I sat out a 50 knot gale w a 45’ sailboat and a 42 Krogen. The Krogen dragged across the anchorage nearly into us whereas we pulled anchor and ran up around him to reanchor where he had been. He managed to stop the drag and we both stayed in place till morning.
The sailboat also upped his CQR anchor and moved over some. He didn’t drag at all as far as I could tell.
The Krogen used a big Bruce and we used an 18lb XYZ .. modified. The Krogen guy said he hooked a small tree and that caused the drag.

W/o the tree it looks like it would have been w/o the extra drama. The CQR held well and I became a believer in CQR holding power .. at least up to the level of a good Bruce. Many here have anchored hundreds of times w the Bruce over the years.

Bruce always worked for me here in So California.
Post weld, the corrosion resistance will be greatly compromised at the welds.

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