Thing of removing lower helm on president 41. Never ever used it. Anybody had experience with this
Thing of removing lower helm on president 41. Never ever used it. Anybody had experience with this
We use the upper helm more than 99% of the time. Yes, the lower wheel can be annoying. In my case I could simply remove the wheel from the shaft to get it out of the way. It comes off quite easily but then I would have to store it somewhere on the boat. Why bother for just a few inches.I could see taking out a seat but going so far as to actually remove the wheel to gain 6 inches of extra floorspace seems like a lot of work for little gain. For me the advantages of a lower helm would surely outweigh the disadvantages. Bad weather as has been mentioned, being able to have access to the head and the galley when singlehanding, not making guests feel obligated to accompany me on the bridge in rough/bad weather and maybe most importantly redundancy if something malfunctions.