lube oil as a "religion".... and cheap oil
As a teen many years ago, when I was more 'into' cars, working on them, friends with hotrods, etc.... I developed a theory about 'cheap' oil....particularly Quaker State Oil. (is that stuff still sold?)
Theory - people that 'add a quart' will tend to buy cheap
and it's the adding a quart that becomes the problem...not the cheap oil
So I figured that folks that go cheap on their oil are more likely to just generally not care so much about babying their cars...and by extension are much less likely to do regular oil changes, etc....
or a parallel could be folks that have cars that were not in the best condition...burned oil....
and so adding a quart becomes routine.
Extended time between changes leads to greater evaporation of the short polymer chains leaving more long ones....sludge...dirt build up...etc....
I developed the theory, I think after working on my mom's Olds Cutlas Salon..changing the lifters and cleaning up the 350.... that had many times had a quart of Quaker State added to top it up.....