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    bowball replied to the thread Vesper Cortex V1 VHF.
    Agreed on the transmit button. I don’t use it as a vhs as I prefer my icon and find the handset not great. It is an amazing anchor alarm...
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    bowball replied to the thread Star link.
    Yes that should work. As long as it appears to Netflix, etc that you are in the US.
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    bowball replied to the thread Star link.
    I use Starlink as well. The one caution is that if your media accounts like YouTube TV, or let’s say Netflix are US it won’t work in...
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    Have you ever seen this happen? I close them but I’m told it’s excessive caution.
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    I had the same issue once but it was due to unusable fuel. If you can’t get fuel after switching tanks you may need to bleed the air...
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    bowball replied to the thread Gulf Islands recommendations.
    Also, let me add Genoa Bay to your list to consider. Again I prefer to anchor out but they have good docking. And a really good...
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    bowball replied to the thread Gulf Islands recommendations.
    You will anchor out I expect at Montague. I prefer off rhr shell beach but most prefer the inner harbour. Great holding. One of...
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    bowball replied to the thread Passive ventilation.
    The question on the fans, which I have, is isn’t it better to pull on air from the outside? Hence the scoop or a fan mounted in the...
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    bowball replied to the thread Passive ventilation.
    Do you have a Portuguese bridge on your trawler?? Can you run the shade from there to the bow so only a few feet off the deck instead of...
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    bowball replied to the thread Engine Synchronizer Inoperable.
    Same with mine. Not clear as you wrote it but I can’t engage synch until then and the light won’t come on. So pushing the synchro button...
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    bowball replied to the thread Engine Synchronizer Inoperable.
    Off topic but a lesson I learned years ago… there is one primary engine that determines the synch, in my case starboard, and if it stops...
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    With every summer warmer than the previous one, what are creative ideas for passive ventilation and has anyone tried these? 1. Some...
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    Beautiful boat, and I’m sorry to hear that you won’t be using it Nick. I followed your build with interest. Are the sofa’s long enough...
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    bowball replied to the thread conventional slip vs end tie.
    Oh, dropping the tender off the boat deck is a great point! I hadn't thought of that. Assuming one wants to use the tender.
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    bowball replied to the thread Friday Harbor Moorage Issues.
    Doug, that makes sense. I have twins so I can split the throttles and turn in place, but I can see how it would be tougher with a single.
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