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  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Dragging Anchor.
    In a different topic about anchoring I explained the important factors when it comes to anchoring. What is important is the frontal...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    Just as side information for those not familiar with Italian law. The accident happened in Sicily, otherwise known as Mafia country...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    That is pretty standard in Italy. If someone dies in an accident someone always has to be guilty, so they will start looking for the...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 reacted to BroadCove's post in the thread Testing a mooring buoy with Like Like.
    Here's a comparison of helical v blocks: Helical Anchors: The Superior Choice for Mooring Applications - Pile Buck Magazine.
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Older boat, never frozen.
    If you have water in the hull then absolutely don't let it go below zero. Once that water freezes it expands and next year you will suck...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Testing a mooring buoy.
    So they are screwed into the sea bed ? No block of concrete holding down the chain ? That is indeed completely different than what we...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    As soon as a company starts blaming anyone else but themselves you know they are signing their own death sentence. This company is not...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Stubborn Boat Odor-HELP!.
    It is very difficult to give any advice if we don't know what the smell is like. Are we talking rotting wood ? Are we talking mold ? Are...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Testing a mooring buoy.
    After reading some of the comments I am starting to wonder how mooring buoys are fixed in the US. In Europe they dump blocks of...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Testing a mooring buoy.
    Kind of funny to read. We will not accept a mooring with less than a 5000 lbs block, preferably a 10.000 lbs block. Then we will tie one...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 reacted to dannc's post in the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado with Like Like.
    On a super yacht YouTube channel that was covering this incident, a crew member on a sister ship said they kept the keel raised at...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Wash down pump.
    Do you perhaps have one of those old toilets with a handle next to it ? That handle is for pumping water as well as flush down. You...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Big sailboat sunk by tornado.
    In the Netherlands a nautical engineer explained why the keel may have been raised and what that would do to stability. Reason for...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Seakeeper 9 Annual Service Cost.
    I only read 'inspect' and a few times change a fluid. If that is all they are going to do I must say that is a hefty bill. But perhaps...
  • Mambo42
    Mambo42 replied to the thread Grounding Video.
    To be honest i don't think anyone else was capable of handling the boat, so leaving someone on the boat is thereby out of the question...
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