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Need 38-45ft West Coast under $30k

The friendliest place on the web for anyone who enjoys boating.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Sep 20, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
Vessel Name
Bear Flag
Vessel Make
'81 Her Shine 40
Need a trawler, any make or year, fiberglass, twin diesels, anywhere on the west coast (preferably SoCal) for liveaboard. Max price $30k.
I hope you realize it will be a total POS at that price. I have a good friend that just bought a 36’ trawler for $20,000 that he “hoped” to cruise the east coast with this spring. He got what he paid for it.

Mr. DC. Welcome aboard. As well as the "boat" you will need a place to moor/anchor/dock her. If SoCal is anything like the southeast, any of the above is in short supply.
I’m aware. I’ve owned several boats and I’m familiar with marinas in Southern California. There’s plenty of slips available.
My wife and I like to fix up boats. We missed out on a 72 Californian 38 for 20,000. The title was a **** show. My philosophy is that it’s pretty much always a buyers market for used boats and if you just wait it out and keep looking you’ll find one.
Delivery Captain, could you please share a few SoCal marinas with open live aboard slips? That is inconsistent with what others have reported. Slips are generally hard to come by and getting approved for live aboard seems very rare.

I don't disagree with your comment about always being Deals available. But that is assuming having very low expectations for condition if searching for a $30k (max) 38-45 ft trawler.
That 1976 Californian looks interesting and has some signs of love over the years. You don't see many bulbous bows on 38' boats.
That 1976 Californian looks interesting and has some signs of love over the years. You don't see many bulbous bows on 38' boats.

I didn't notice that! I posted from my phone and didn't notice given the black bottom paint and background.

I'm not a fan of bulbous bows. The ones I've been on have made a helluva noise in a decent head sea (Nordhavn 57 being the most notable, an absolute love of mine despite the bulb). Since I've mostly given-up head seas, I probably don't care anymore.

Delivery Captain, could you please share a few SoCal marinas with open live aboard slips? That is inconsistent with what others have reported. Slips are generally hard to come by and getting approved for live aboard seems very rare.

I don't disagree with your comment about always being Deals available. But that is assuming having very low expectations for condition if searching for a $30k (max) 38-45 ft trawler.

I believe some one called around and found that there are indeed slips available in SoCal. They then mistakenly believed that they could just live on their boat and live in one of these slips.

I can’t tell you how many times I have seen some one buy a boat, get a slip, move on and then find themselves getting evicted for being an illegal liveaboard.
The evictions of live aboards is happening big time in many B.C. ports here in Canada. Many of these folks have lived for years on their vessel only to be kicked out in 2024. Some have been given a grace period till April 1st, 2024 but that is it. Some of these vessels are of questionable sea worthiness but others are in great shape.

Many vessels have sold over this issue in the last six months for very cheap dollars. Actually about what they are worth, some in even more that they are worth? Too often the folks doing the buying have no idea of what they are getting into?

Why this sudden change in live aboard policy on all vessels I have no idea?

There has also been a major push for every vessel to have liability insurance and wreck removal to berth in some harbours. This too has kicked up low priced sales as many of these vessels won't be able to get either.

A number have been wrecked as they should have been. In my early years I too wrecked one of my wood boats that I would not sell for obvious reasons. I ate the loss rather than selling the boat to someone who was too 'green' to understand what they were buying.
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Wilmington/San Pedro area has plenty of slips available for live aboards, however also has a reputation for a place where boats and captains go to die. Reality is if you can find a workable fixer that is livable, and put it in that area, which can be sketchy, you can live pretty damn cheaply, which is quite a statement here in So Cal! Those deals are out there! Good luck!
Throwing my hat in this ring as well. Looking for a diesel trawler at $30k or less. I'm perfectly happy with one screw and under 38' though. Got a mooring ready to go for it when I find it.
Ok. For @sdyeti : @DeliveryCaptain posted the original one and appears to have purchased a Taiwan? made trawler with a sized piston. So perhaps that is a useful reference point. If you actually are looking for suggestions on suitable boats perhaps you could post a more complete description of what you are willing to consider such as wood hull, frozen engine, etc. Perhaps just start a new thread
Delivery Captain, could you please share a few SoCal marinas with open live aboard slips? That is inconsistent with what others have reported. Slips are generally hard to come by and getting approved for live aboard seems very rare.

I don't disagree with your comment about always being Deals available. But that is assuming having very low expectations for condition if searching for a $30k (max) 38-45 ft trawler.
Ready, sorry to answer this so late. The City of LA sets the rules for all marinas and they issue permits for 10% of the slips to be used for liveaboards There's been a lot of rumors flying around for years the City is phasing out liveaboards but I haven't seen or heard any solid evidence of this. I've read comments saying the marinas don't want the extra expense of liveaboards which makes no sense since a liveaboard permit in LA costs about 50% more than the non-live board slip rental rate, for example, a $500/mo slip would be $750/mo for a liveaboard. The City website has more info on their policy.

I have found from talking to a few dockmasters, some in LA and others elsewhere, is they generally don't approve a liveaboard unless they have seen the boat, a current survey, have met the owner(s) and confirmed they are not douchbags. They prefer to rent them non-live aboard slip first to find out the latter- will they get drunk and disturb the peace, leave **** lying around on the dock, not follow the marina's rules, etc. Of course, if you own a pristine, late model 80' Ocean Alexander or some other large, luxury yacht, getting approved for a liveaboard slip right away is probably easier.

I'd be interested to read anyone else's experience with this topic.
Throwing my hat in this ring as well. Looking for a diesel trawler at $30k or less. I'm perfectly happy with one screw and under 38' though. Got a mooring ready to go for it when I find it.
Update: I bought a 81' Hershine 40' with twin, fairly low-time Lehman 120's in a lien sale from the Cal Yacht Club. Paid $17,200 ($15k sales price and $2200 for back taxes). Previous owner abandoned it. Starboard engine has a seized piston and the rudder bearings need replacing but other than that, everything works and she's pretty clean. Port engine runs great. New fuel tanks, water heater, within the past 10 or so years. I consulted with Bryan at American Diesel and came up with a plan to attempt to drop the oil pan, remove the #6 piston, reinstall a new one, and see if she'll run. Fingers crossed. If this works, we'll have it towed to Marina Shipyard in Long Beach for the rudder work. If not, Plan B which involves a lot more $$$.
Be aware that when the number 6 jug in one of my FL120s started clanking because of corrosion from an improper muffler installation, the engine required reboring along with new, oversized pistons. Hope your plan works for you.
I love this. If one is realistic and has eyes wide open, a solid(ish) boat can be had for $20-$40K at least in the PNW. No doubt there are many forum members on here who would never consider looking in that price range, but that's cool. I am guilty of being a sucker for older boats. You just have to understand the construction of the particular model and poke around accordingly.
Just keep in mind all marinas require insurance. Insurance usually requires a survey. So with an older boat it usually requires repairs as a result of the survey. Just be sure to factor in these issues.
Just keep in mind all marinas require insurance. Insurance usually requires a survey. So with an older boat it usually requires repairs as a result of the survey. Just be sure to factor in these issues.
Up here in the PNW they require liability insurance, which is likely all you would want with an older fiberglass trawler. No survey necessary. I can't speak to other areas.
Be aware that when the number 6 jug in one of my FL120s started clanking because of corrosion from an improper muffler installation, the engine required reboring along with new, oversized pistons. Hope your plan works for you.
Improper Muffler installation? please fill us in? I just had both of my mufflers replaced.
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