Hello from Mexico (currently)

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Jun 27, 2024
Mexico / WA
I'm Chris, married with 2 cats and one dog. Originally from Belgium, I’m now a US citizen and have lived in the US for 20 years. For the past year, I’ve been in Mexico. My wife and I have had sailboats all our lives, but we sold our last one a year and a half ago in WA. I’m 58 and work remotely as a programmer.

We’re considering going back to the water, most likely in WA, and making the transition from sailboat to trawler. We’re thinking of living onboard in WA for the next 4-5 years. At retirement, we plan to ship the boat to Europe and travel the canals in France.

We’re considering a trawler for comfort compared to a sailboat, especially for living onboard, as my wife is tired of handling sails after 32 years. I have all the doubts of someone who has never had a motorboat. I’m also curious about how hard it is to find a marina in WA to live onboard (when we left, finding a spot was hard - we were in Blaine) and what the criteria are for a good trawler. Our budget is around $60-80k, so we’re looking for an older boat in good condition. We love traveling and exploring with the boat, anchoring, and spending time off-grid. Concerning internet connectivity (I need a good one to work), I am betting on Starlink, mostly for conference calls.


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Welcome to TF! There are a ton of folks on TF who are ex-sailors for the exact reason you are considering it: easier and more comfortable to get on the water. There are at least a few circumnavigators (sail).

Not sure what part of Mexico you're in, but if the Pacific side, here's a $90k trawler in Mazatlan that has caught my eye for a while. https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/1973-cheoy-lee-lrc-seamaster-47-9031399/. This one looks a bit rough, but these are solid boats. The paravane stabilizers would not work for European canals, but that will be an issue for many boats purchased in the US as many have flybridges.

Best success in your search and transition. Ask all the questions you want.

I'm Chris, married with 2 cats and one dog. Originally from Belgium, I’m now a US citizen and have lived in the US for 20 years. For the past year, I’ve been in Mexico. My wife and I have had sailboats all our lives, but we sold our last one a year and a half ago in WA. I’m 58 and work remotely as a programmer.

We’re considering going back to the water, most likely in WA, and making the transition from sailboat to trawler. We’re thinking of living onboard in WA for the next 4-5 years. At retirement, we plan to ship the boat to Europe and travel the canals in France.

We’re considering a trawler for comfort compared to a sailboat, especially for living onboard, as my wife is tired of handling sails after 32 years. I have all the doubts of someone who has never had a motorboat. I’m also curious about how hard it is to find a marina in WA to live onboard (when we left, finding a spot was hard - we were in Blaine) and what the criteria are for a good trawler. Our budget is around $60-80k, so we’re looking for an older boat in good condition. We love traveling and exploring with the boat, anchoring, and spending time off-grid. Concerning internet connectivity (I need a good one to work), I am betting on Starlink, mostly for conference calls.
Many good trawlers in that price range. 4 years ago I got my 1997 MS350 for $79k. But I would buy a boat in France designed for the canals as a good trawler in the PNW needs a flybridge to appreciate the environment IMHO. The cost to ship to France will be high, and then you will find out your travels are greatly impacted by a boat not designed for the canals. Enjoy the Pacific with a trawler then sell and buy in Europe. A better plan IMHO. Enjoy your search for that perfect boat.
Many good trawlers in that price range. 4 years ago I got my 1997 MS350 for $79k. But I would buy a boat in France designed for the canals as a good trawler in the PNW needs a flybridge to appreciate the environment IMHO. The cost to ship to France will be high, and then you will find out your travels are greatly impacted by a boat not designed for the canals. Enjoy the Pacific with a trawler then sell and buy in Europe. A better plan IMHO. Enjoy your search for that perfect boat.
Yes. I think the idea, was to no waste the investment, the time spent etc....any idea of how much it cost to ship a 40 ft trawler by boat?
Welcome to TF! There are a ton of folks on TF who are ex-sailors for the exact reason you are considering it: easier and more comfortable to get on the water. There are at least a few circumnavigators (sail).

Not sure what part of Mexico you're in, but if the Pacific side, here's a $90k trawler in Mazatlan that has caught my eye for a while. https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/1973-cheoy-lee-lrc-seamaster-47-9031399/. This one looks a bit rough, but these are solid boats. The paravane stabilizers would not work for European canals, but that will be an issue for many boats purchased in the US as many have flybridges.

Best success in your search and transition. Ask all the questions you want.

I am in Ensenada. Baja California. I saw some in San Diego too. But the PNW is calling us back :)

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