I had a Skylla TG on my last boat, and dual Skylla-i on the current boat. The good part is that they reliably put out 100A across all encountered ambient temps. This is in sharp contrast to the charge output from my Quattro inverter/chargers. The Skyllas also have remove voltage sense which I think is mandatory for LFP since a couple tenths of a volt is the difference between charged, and not charged.
The down side is that adjusting the voltages is a royal PITA. You need to disconnect the charger output, disconnect BOTH the pos and neg sense leads (I don't know why you also need to disconnect the neg lead, but I discovered this the hard way), then fiddle with POTS on the circuit board that only responss after you turn them a bit, which pretty much ensures they are always starting from the wrong point. But once sent up, they work well.
The TG is dumb as a stump, which may be preferable over the Skylla-i which is smart enough to be really, really stupid. The TG you can set absorb time to 0 hrs which I think is preferable for LFP - certainly way better than 4 hrs which is the lowest for the TG. The I can be monitored via CAN bus, but it can't really be controlled by a BMS.
Both, frankly, as a disappointment and I hope Victron comes out with new models soon. The up side is that very few people make a 100A 24V charger. I think Mastervolt does, but I don't trust them to get anything right at this point, and support is completely non-existant.
I hope that the you all don't mind me dropping into the conversation and seeking a little advice.
For my boat, I've installed a Skylla-i as well in my Victron Energy 3 x 5000VA MP-II, Cerbo GX, REC-BMS managed custom CALB-230 2,000 AH house battery, but am not happy with it with how the charger works. The architecture is at least 10 years old and feels that support for the LiFePO4 chemistry is an add on, but that the hardware really is not up to the task.
In the mean time, I am trying to see if I can get the Skylla-i to work well in my system.
I first tried the Rotary switch position 7, but the 28.4v for absorption is too hot for my tastes.
I am using position 8 to set Abs, and Float.
I am still learning the ropes, and my system is new, but I am currently focused on these values Abs: 27.6v (w/2hr), Float: 26.8, Storage: 26.8. (see comment below)
I was able to get the #8 switch position to deliver this with the exception that the dumb-as-a-box-rocks VE programmer's decision to fix storage 26.4v which is too low from my point of view.
I looked at the new MasterVolt 24V/100A charger, but I don't like the options for programing.
So, I too am looking for a better solution. There are some hints from a VE sales manager that they _may_ be updating their "smart" chargers beyond the IP43 24V/25A that I have now as well.
Because I am using only Victron gear, I'd like to have 100A charger with VE.Direct so that I can hook up to the Cerbo GX.
In the mean time, I have the Skylla-i hooked up with the voltage sense wires and am using the Skylla remote control panel.
The Skylla-i manual says that I can connection to the Cerbo GX via the VE.Can bus, it tossed errors. I was trying to connect the Skylla-i control panel to the VE.Can that already supports a WakeSpeed 500, Cerbo GX and the REC-BMS. I can't get VE tech support to respond. Sigh...
If anyone has suggestions of a better charger, I'd like to hear...
Thanks for letting me post into this thread