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Sep 18, 2024
North Vancouver, BC Canada
After sailing for 40 years we have just bought a 2005 Camano 31 and have just returned from our first voyage which was 3 weeks in the Gulf Islands of BC and thoroughly enjoyed the boat I look forward to checking out the forums....Martin
Welcome to the site. A friend of mine has a Camano 31, and he did the Great Loop 2 years in a row on that boat. Called DeTour.
Yes, welcome to the forum. You have a very nice boat and a wonderful area to cruise.
I’m a new member I bought this boat at a yard sale 17 years ago 1953 26ft Palmer Scott built for the navy. It’s one of the first fiberglass boats ever built lots of 22 foot version built but few 26 ps didn’t look like this when I bought it
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