Lets jump right in SP275 Lehman

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Nov 4, 2024
Hello y’all
Sorry if this is redundant. I know the sp225 after cooler can be refabricated with the sp275 to make a new fabricated cooler. My question why cant we retrofit the 275 to use the housing and cooler from the 225? Is it possible? I don't have the specs for either as I'm looking to buy but doing my homework. I have contacted American Diesel and awaiting their input. What do you all think? Seems it would be a high cost upfront but more practical to maintain afterwards. I know the 275 after cooler can be bypassed, injectors recalibrated, and timing adjusted etc. another rout. Speed is not a concern but i do like the efficiency.
Thoughts on the retrofit?
Brian once indicated that you could braze the SP275 stack ends onto a new tube stack. At the time none were available.

Also, bypassing the cooler on the SP275 is quite different than the Sp225.

If you emailed Brian, you might want to follow up with a call.
Thanks, Brian did get back to me. The remanufacture and bypass can be done at a high price. But i wonder can i just pull the entire housing off a 225 and bolt it on a 275 with some modifications. Hoses, fittings etc
I don’t think that the aftercoolers for a 225 are available anymore. I had 225s in our last boat. I had them bypassed and it was very easy to do, not so with the 275s.
Oh so both are discontinued.
Well, darn.
Im looking at a boat with twin Lehmans sp275s i thought parts were still made for the sp225. For me the engines will most likely be the deciding factor. If i cant maintain the engines or get replacement parts, sounds like a financial risk. Lol “BOAT$$”

Thanks all!
Are intercooler housings in good condition?

The tube stacks can be tested. And, if you’re vigilant in cleaning and inspecting, then you should be good. One end cap failed at sea trials. A local shop was able to solder it.

That said, I had to rebuild one of my Sp275s due to a valve failure from over heating prior to my ownership. The stock pistons were the major procurement problem at the time. Thankfully I only needed one, which was all that could be had in the US, just short of $1k for the single piston. I sold the boat. The next owner did the loop.

My advice, reconnect with Brian and ask him about the actual procedure and cost of de-rating the engines. That might give you long-term peace of mind.
I don’t think that the aftercoolers for a 225 are available anymore. I had 225s in our last boat. I had them bypassed and it was very easy to do, not so with the 275s.
The aftercooler inserts should be available from this source Lehman 2J40 Aftercooler Element.
Not cheap but if you need one...
Oh so both are discontinued.
Well, darn.
Im looking at a boat with twin Lehmans sp275s i thought parts were still made for the sp225. For me the engines will most likely be the deciding factor. If i cant maintain the engines or get replacement parts, sounds like a financial risk. Lol “BOAT$$”

Thanks all!
When we bought our last boat in 2015 I spoke to Brian and that is when he told me that the 225 aftercoolers weren’t available. But he said I could easily bypass them, it took me less than 45 minutes to bypass each engine. So I didn’t really care because it made them into 180 hp engines which was plenty. I am not familiar with the 275 aftercooler so I can’t say what to do. But I know that Brian said that bypassing the aftercooler on the 275 was a much more involved job. But if I were in your place I would call Brian and get more information as to what is involved in bypassing it. If it is doable and a one time cost that would not be too bad.
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