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  1. MyBad

    Water Hyacinth

    Seems there is plenty of frustration to go around. Letters from You - February 2015
  2. MyBad

    CA Delta White Sturgeon

    Al, you are on a roll man!! You got it, dialed in for sure. :thumb: We will get there sooner, or wife tells me to "stop complaining" :facepalm: Kevin
  3. MyBad

    CA Delta White Sturgeon

    Let me warm up my propulsion.....
  4. MyBad

    CA Delta White Sturgeon

    :socool: Great looking day for all! The water looks clear of debris, calm, and apparently, giving.
  5. MyBad

    To ROKU or SAT TV

    Honestly, Roku programing is limited. On a wifi connection, it is really spotty. I was going to go Roku, but found a better way. I have found, using my PC, I can get all the programming a Roku box can get. Supervoxtv- all live streaming Television programs, HBO, Showtime, ect. XBMC-now called...
  6. MyBad

    Sunrises and Sunsets

    Calif Delta sunrise
  7. MyBad

    SF Bay Area Weather

    Wow Quicksilver is one of my all time favorites.....and Blue Cheer, man O man...New and Improved Blue Cheer. I know I have that album
  8. MyBad

    How to clean a dirty bilge?

    Ahh yes the answer.....LOL Simple Green works well, in those nimble hands....:thumb:
  9. MyBad

    Show your helm!

    Not a single piece of electronics, made this century.....Hopefully all upgraded soon.:facepalm:
  10. MyBad

    I hate boats!!

    Since Nov 2012, we have gone from 20ft....26ft....34ft.....:banghead:
  11. MyBad

    Gov. Brown signs boating safety law

    Well by the time they fully "phase" in all Calif boaters. it will be 2025. That is a long time for any real, or imagined results.
  12. MyBad

    Earthquake on the water

    Woke up to a rolling feeling here at the house...
  13. MyBad


    I remember reading this on the Tollycraft Classified site Tolly Classified - Special Information MB
  14. MyBad

    Seen in the CA delta

    I took this last year while something out of a movie..
  15. MyBad

    Seen in the CA delta

    It is defiantly a fun, strange, place. Always something new...
  16. MyBad

    Coast Guard boardings

    Makes good sense, thanks.
  17. MyBad

    Coast Guard boardings

    So is an Aux inspection, a waste of time in your opinion? MB
  18. MyBad

    Favorite pictures

    Yesterday morning.
  19. MyBad

    River debris

    We were just west of Antioch Bridge about 2 weeks ago...a partially sunk boat went drifting by, right down the channel. This looked to be a fiberglass, open bow, maybe in the 20ft range, bow up. It was called in just a few minutes before we came across it.
  20. MyBad

    Nordic Tug Surveyor needed in SF bay area!

    Your in good hands...
  21. MyBad

    Nordic Tug Surveyor needed in SF bay area!

    We used Mr. Schmidt here in Oakley [small world] as well. Albeit on a smaller boat, and we thought he was very professional, and answered my questions, during, and after the survey. As "greenhorns" we were glad to have had someone who could break it all down so I could understand it. G/L MB
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