SF Bay Area Weather

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Hey kid!! Get off the lawn!!

This is for California weather...you Downeast fellas get the real thing year in and year out. It's old hat there!!

Go start your own damn thread!! Now get outahere! :D:D
Hey kid!! Get off the lawn!!

This is for California weather...you Downeast fellas get the real thing year in and year out. It's old hat there!!

I wish you Californian's would keep this weird weather down there!! These bizarre storm cells keep rolling in off the Pacific from the South-West one after the other all day long. 30 minutes of sunshine and two hours of monsoon.

Hmm!! I wonder what's in this one? :eek:


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Don't Dis California!

I was so mad when I read the posts dismissing our dangerous California storm that I almost choked on my tofu and granola cereal. Fortunately my crystals were nearby and after a few minutes of meditation I was able to activate my compassion chakra and let go of my anger. :smitten:

Delta Jim I want to head up the delta soon. That Water Hyacinth looks like a real pain. Hopefully it goes away (?) after the storm waters recede.
Here is what we face if we want to leave our marina. (Owl Harbor) Management told me they were going to start removing it this week, although the storm probably has delayed that project a bit.


Photos from a friends backyard today. Kind of a time lapse sorta thing.

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Normally this creek is about 40-50' beyond this gate.

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Eventually it's time to turn lemons into lemonade.
We looked at the bay area to retire until we discovered South Padre island at the very south tip of Texas. Plent of boat fishing and sun. 60 at night, 70 to 80 in the day.
My family is from the Rio Grande Valley. Been going to South Padre since the early 60's. You can't beat Texas jumbo shrimp.
I checked on my boat today. I found my aft rail wet and about 1/2 gallon of fresh water in the bilge. All canvas and paint was just where I left it when I last saw the boat. Checks of Giggitoni's and Markpierce's boats revealed no damage.

Looks like I need to clear the drain lines on my lazarette hatch gutter. As Rosanne Rosannadanna said...

"It's always something!!"
Went down and checked my boat

My boat was dry, no leaks. looks like all the prep payed off. After lowering all my antennas, removing everything from the boat deck. and putting in my cockpit canvas. I even put my biminis in there protective sleeves and made sure my cockpit and deck drains were clear. no wind damage or water damage. Nothing to brag about. What a let down, What storm, This is nothing like California 30- 50 years ago when we used to have rain. When bridges got washed out on Highway 5, or the eel river on highway 101 crested the banks by thirty feet at a point a half a mile wide and removed it's bridge. Back in the 50's Highway 880 at San Lorenzo was under water and San Lorenzo had firemen in boats evacuating people from their homes. Why sometimes we would have weeks of this stuff. Heck I can remember when American river Park was under water and guys were jet skiing in the park. In those day's we had real weather,whole Islands flooded, yes sir those were the days. Now where'd I put my hot chocolate, yes sir those were the days.
My boat was dry, no leaks. looks like all the prep payed off. After lowering all my antennas, removing everything from the boat deck. and putting in my cockpit canvas. I even put my biminis in there protective sleeves and made sure my cockpit and deck drains were clear. no wind damage or water damage. Nothing to brag about. What a let down, What storm, This is nothing like California 30- 50 years ago when we used to have rain. When bridges got washed out on Highway 5, or the eel river on highway 101 crested the banks by thirty feet at a point a half a mile wide and removed it's bridge. Back in the 50's Highway 880 at San Lorenzo was under water and San Lorenzo had firemen in boats evacuating people from their homes. Why sometimes we would have weeks of this stuff. Heck I can remember when American river Park was under water and guys were jet skiing in the park. In those day's we had real weather,whole Islands flooded, yes sir those were the days. Now where'd I put my hot chocolate, yes sir those were the days.

I think it must be related to the lack of good music coming from out there anymore. The good vibrations from the Quicksilver Messenger Service, Moby Grape, and even The Blue Cheer are needed again to vibrate the molecules over Northern California again. There's certainly a timing correlation isn't there? And you no longer see young naked girls dancing in the park either. Time has come today!!
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And you no longer see young naked girls dancing in the park either. Time has come today!!

Northern California music scene ain't what it once was but is still better than most IMO. As to naked girls dancing in the park, you clearly go to the wrong parks.
I checked on my boat today. I found my aft rail wet and about 1/2 gallon of fresh water in the bilge. All canvas and paint was just where I left it when I last saw the boat. "It's always something!!"

Any idea what your highest wind speeds were Al?

We never got the predicted 60 mph winds here. . . highest I saw at the house was about 40.
I checked on my boat today. I found my aft rail wet and about 1/2 gallon of fresh water in the bilge. All canvas and paint was just where I left it when I last saw the boat. Checks of Giggitoni's and Markpierce's boats revealed no damage.

Looks like I need to clear the drain lines on my lazarette hatch gutter. As Rosanne Rosannadanna said...

"It's always something!!"

Let me know if you need any help getting things squared away Al. Have you thought about getting help from FEMA?
Too Bad Lost Isle is still closed

I think it must be related to the lack of good music coming from out there anymore. The good vibrations from the Quicksilver Messenger Service, Moby Grape, and even The Blue Cheer are needed again to vibrate the molecules over Northern California again. There's certainly a timing correlation isn't there? And you no longer see young naked girls dancing in the park either. Time has come today!!
Now those were the day's, wet bikini Contests, Flat bottom V drives, jet boats with dry stacks, Naked Vollyball, bathing suits were cut off levis and tee shirts, Good redneck fun.

Let me know if you need any help getting things squared away Al. Have you thought about getting help from FEMA?

This is California, What's Fema?.
"Federal Emergency Management Agency" These are the guys who shovel out prodigious amounts of taxpayers dollars to victims of natural disasters.
Any idea what your highest wind speeds were Al?

We never got the predicted 60 mph winds here. . . highest I saw at the house was about 40.

Larry, the highest we recorded at home was 31.5 MPH/27.4 KTS.

Let me know if you need any help getting things squared away Al. Have you thought about getting help from FEMA?

Good thought, Ron. Thanks for the offer to help mop up but I'll probably hire it out. Our illegal 'indigent' population is flooded out of the fields and looking for work. I'll get the FEMA application process started.
Wonder if FEMA will reimburse me for the two six packs of Modelo I dropped when slipping on a wet leaf in the heart of the storm?
I believe you should be eligible. It would be judgmental and discriminatory to deny you based upon your poor taste in beer.
In all fairness the weather sucked. Didn't feel it safe to drive the extra 3 miles to the good beer store.
Quicksilver Messenger Service, and Blue Cheer
Wow Quicksilver is one of my all time favorites.....and Blue Cheer, man O man...New and Improved Blue Cheer. I know I have that album someplace....lol
We have been waiting 2 years for our FEMA beer reimbursement - don't expect too much too soon...........
Take it from me. . . . If you pour it into an appropriate stein, it goes down a lot easier!! :whistling:


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In all fairness the weather sucked. Didn't feel it safe to drive the extra 3 miles to the good beer store.

If he says Modelo Especial on the FEMA form they may go for it
Though the quality may not have been as good, but I miss the days of a gas station and bar on every corner; 32c a gal. for gas and a "quality" cup of coffee for 20c.
The thought of having to drive 3 mi. for beer is outrageous - what has this country come to!
Put in for the beer reimbursement. FEMA is the same outfit that sent checks to incarcerated prisoners after Katrina.
Though the quality may not have been as good, but I miss the days of a gas station and bar on every corner; 32c a gal. for gas and a "quality" cup of coffee for 20c.
The thought of having to drive 3 mi. for beer is outrageous - what has this country come to!
Our gas tax alone is around 56c per gallon and now they want to add a odometer tax as well. . . . I don't see us getting back to the "32c" per gallon level anytime soon Jim. . . . Is 10am too early for that Bud lite? :nonono:
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