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  1. dieck

    Coffee making underway

    Just use a capsule machine like NESPRESSO that should be available worldwide or similar. samll amount of coffee - european style - and big cup should solve the problem
  2. dieck

    Anchor Chain Issue

    Instead of trying all sorts of constructions to avoid piling, just use a stainless steel chain and your problem is gone.
  3. dieck

    Redoing teak,epoxy, urethane, paint?

    Teak contains oil and should not be varnished or coated at all. My boat is wooden and 51 years old and its in prime condition. For the outside, the deck is left as is and gets gray. We only clean with salt water. railings, doors and outside panels we oil with teak oil which gives a perfect...
  4. dieck

    Run the water heater from the inverter?

    I fail to see the problem. A generator on board should be operational and if its operational there should be no restrictions in using it. To heat up water from your house bank via the inverter makes no sense at all. Your batteries are your safety in case you develop a problem with power...
  5. dieck

    Varnish, first time...

    I have not found a varnish that handles the environment well. After sanding thw wron varnish down to the bare wood I have been using teakoil on all wood except the deck. The deck we leave grey. The teak oil is easy to apply and we do this on the rails 3 times per year. On all other outside...
  6. dieck

    inflatable tender recommendations

    inflatable tender I have foundthat inflatable tenders suffer heavily from the higher temperatures we have today. They are next to bursting in the early afternonn and are partially deflated at night. Additiopnally we generally dont deflate and pack up our tender at all. The solution for me was...
  7. dieck

    Marine Stoves?

    I dont like the risk of having GAS on board. We do have guest ocvcsionally that have no understanding of Boats which increases the risk. Your Generator should have the power to run an electric stove. This is what we do and we also have a multifunctuional electric oven . Good luck. Leo
  8. dieck

    Radar "Required" or "Optional" for Great Loop?

    Radar required for me safety on board is the main issue. Radar today is not so much a navigational aid but a safety Installation that should be on the Minimum required list of any Boat or Yacht doing more than just day trips. In 20 years I have had to really use my Radar 3 to 4 times and that...
  9. dieck

    Fresh Water Pump Problem

    I consider water sytems with just a pump that has an internal pressure switch very unreliable. Additionally the pump keeps turning off and on whenever water is used, is subject to unnecessary wear and in the end is unreliable. You really want a systen that sstable, reliable and easy to maintain...
  10. dieck

    AC power

    We also have the Problem of loads switching on automatically like heaters, chargers and also the water heater. In my opinion ist not a good solution to start automating as things get too compley for our kind of boats and automation also fails from time to time and gives you additional problems...
  11. dieck

    Engine room blowers

    When an engine runs, it sucks in so much fresh air that no further ventilation of the ER is needed. On a diesel the blowers are only needed to cool the engines and the ER after shut down. Since all ER have a light smell that you dont want in the cabins you want a lower pressure in the engine...
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