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  1. ksanders

    Seaplane vessel collision, Vancouver Harbour

    You are 100% correct. I am a Seaplane pilot, and have over a thousand hours flying my float plane in Alaska. The plane could not see the boat until he was up on step (plane). But... The plane had the opportunity to turn to starboard once he was up on step, which he did not do to pass behind the...
  2. ksanders

    Starlink experience to consider

    So I do not see the problem here. I have a normal 2 year old dish, and have it on whats called the mobile priority plan for $250 a month. This gives me 50GB of priority data anywhere in the world. At sea, on land, anywhere. When I run out of my 50GB, my plan automatically switches to non...
  3. ksanders

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    here's a great example of lazy Last year we rented our slip out for the summer and the person in that sllip tied up their boat with the normal number of lines and left. They did nothing to protect their boat. their boat was the only boat in the harbor to be damaged. Absent owners are the...
  4. ksanders

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    For every person there is a number that they are willing to assume the risk.
  5. ksanders

    Markel/USAA Insurance Non-Renewal Notice today-

    So wait a minute... You are being offered several choices. 1. accept a higher deductible for named storms. 2. warranty that you will Haulout your boat during a named storm, and the insurance company will pay 1/2 the cost of haulout 3. Warranty that you will move your boat out of the storm...
  6. ksanders

    Realities of seasonal Seattle - San Diego run

    Wonderful prospective as normal Peter. Every cruiser is different I suppose. you like to run 24X7 and Vicky is just not comfortable doing that, so we choose daylight cruising. Hmmm external influences I suppose.
  7. ksanders

    Realities of seasonal Seattle - San Diego run

    Actually most of the way there are safe harbors ever 50 miles or so, I just chose 100 as a round number, a maximum. This is recreational boating. Going from harbor to harbor means picking good weather days, and timing the tides properly. Trusting in tomorrows forecast is a pretty good bet. The...
  8. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    I do not have a mexican bank account and everything works great. I have two ATM cards at different banks as well as regular credit cards including amex. I do not pay mexican taxes, and my US taxes are the same as they always were. But... my income is US based. For mail I have a UPS store box...
  9. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    For us it's a mix. I like the local fruit stands, and local stores, but like the convinence and variety of the large supermarket. We also like to eat out, and a few nights a week you will find us probably somewhere along the Malicon having drinks and dinner. Peter brings up a good point RE...
  10. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    ^^^^^ BTW Steve and his lovely wife are dock mates. His boat is maybe 5 slips down from us. The good thing about medical care is that the medical facilities all take credit cards. So... it's not like you need a suitcase full of pesos, just a CC with a decent limit for emergencies. LeoKa you...
  11. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    My opinion is to give La Paz a try. See if you like it. It's not like you are buying a house. Reserve a slip, give it a year and if you are not completely happy move on. That's the great thing about boat life.
  12. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    Yes I have my temporary residency, and in another year I can get my permenant residency. There are several ways to get your residency once here that folks don't talk about but the local immigration lawyers know about.
  13. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    Some things to consider if you are seriously considering the Baja, or Mexico for that matter. It gets HOT here. Hot in that in September it is often over 40C. At night it does cool off though. Ensenada on the other hand is almost perfect in the summer. You will need good AC in La Paz to survive...
  14. ksanders

    MX long term resident boater?

    I live in La Paz. I chose La Paz because it represents what I used to love about America. I know that might sound silly but hear me out... Here in La Paz... The people all greet each other. Good morning, good afternoon. In stores people ask how they can help you. Drivers are polite. We have a...
  15. ksanders

    Velair A/C Anyone?

    hmmm When installing my three Velair units I just ran the one cable for the display panel. Everything works great.
  16. ksanders

    Realities of seasonal Seattle - San Diego run

    I understand completely my friend. Your reasoning is completely sound. Your adventures in your Willard are a prime example of the "go now" mentality that we both advocate for. If I had more robust budget my Bayliner would not be my first choice. But... I'm under way this morning in the Sea of...
  17. ksanders

    Realities of seasonal Seattle - San Diego run

    I've only made the pacific coast run once and it was south bound, but I'll offer something. From San Diego to Seattle you will find safe harbors at a maximum distance of about 100NM, with most distances roughly half of that. At every one of these harbors you will see 20' recreational fishing...
  18. ksanders

    Exploring the Sea of Cortez in our 4788 Bayliner

    Thanks!, Vicky sends her love. We'll stop by and see you guys this next winter. It looks like you have landed in a pretty neat house and location.
  19. ksanders

    Exploring the Sea of Cortez in our 4788 Bayliner

    I've been int it, a really cool piece of work. On this trip we won't make it that far north. We have to get back to La Paz because we head out on a several week adventure in Europe where we rented a car and are going a zero pre-plan road trip.
  20. ksanders

    Exploring the Sea of Cortez in our 4788 Bayliner

    Today we are about 200NM up into the Sea of Cortez in our Bayliner 4788. The anchorage is called Puerto Los Gatos and it is about as pretty it can get. There are a a mix of boats in the anchorage, some sail boats, a Nordhavn 40 and us. The water is perfect for swimming and snorkeling in the...
  21. ksanders

    LifePo4 in the engine room. Heat considerations?

    Something to seriously think about. I am underway right now in the Sea of Cortez. It is 86 F outside, and 110F in my engine room right now, and it's barely summer. What happens in two months when it's 100 outside? How will the batteries do then. This is a serious thought for my cruising. It's...
  22. ksanders

    Attempted Piracy?

    Any service can have problems, and startlink is not immune. Looking at the boats that come in to my marina in Mexico, large and more modest, many still have geostationary satellite domes. All of them now have a visible starlink antenna. The world has changed, and there is no going back to the...
  23. ksanders

    Supreme Court Upholds Back-Door Denials of Boat Insurance Claims

    Agreed! Here is a great for example. This year we decided to stay throughout hurricane season here in La Paz. But... We did not do it without preparation. first, we asked for and were granted a slip change for the summer to a very protected slip. Then we bought 10 extra 50' lines to tie our...
  24. ksanders

    Attempted Piracy?

    Startlink has changed everything. While at sea our cell phones work as normal.
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