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  1. Julsburd

    Splendide Washer issue

    Lots of good discussion. Thanks all. Now that the weather is becoming more "Florida like" I can forsee that I will want the ability to dry towels, rags etc. Washing not as important but nice to have that option too. so... we are probably going to hire the professional to come out and fix it but...
  2. Julsburd

    Splendide Washer issue

    Just called the company and it is 170 lbs. It is an older vented model. Still too heavy for me and my husband to handle. I'm tempted to take it out and use the area for storage, especially if it can only handle one pair of jeans at a time!
  3. Julsburd

    Splendide Washer issue

    It is a 2000s and according to their website, weighs 280 pounds. It sounds high to me too, especially since it is billed as their smallest unit. I'll recheck that by calling their tech department.
  4. Julsburd

    Splendide Washer issue

    Yes Dan I am definitely leaning that way... its probably an easy fix but a difficult removal...
  5. Julsburd

    Splendide Washer issue

    So... I think I may have overloaded our "new to us" washer. The weight must have either broke the belt or made it fall off. Anyway we need to get the dang thing out of the cabinet to access the back of it to replace or repair the belt. My research tells me the unit weighs 280 lbs! I'm thinking...
  6. Julsburd

    Flybridge Seating

    We are in the process of moving our dinghy to a transom davit in order to make it quicker and easier to launch. It will also open up a lot more room on the flybridge for seating and socializing. We have noticed on some Selene 43-47's owners already have curved settee seating installed on their...
  7. Julsburd

    Doggie life jacket

    Thanks to all! I had already zeroed in on the Ruff Wear but they don't have the yellow color in stock yet. The idea of taking my dog with me to try on is a good one. I want to make sure it clears the pee zone and is easy to put on and off. We tried putting a hunting orange jacket on Sydney a few...
  8. Julsburd

    Doggie life jacket

    Can anyone recommend a dog lifejacket for a 60 lb. dog? She is very comfortable in and around the water but we want one she can wear when underway that is comfortable and has a grab handle on the top. I am searching myself but any previous experience with this would be great.
  9. Julsburd

    Waste tank question

    Update... after a few trips to the hardware store hubby has "broken through" the crusty clog of the vent on the waste tank itself. You were totally right Peggy as usual. Anyway, the plan is to really clean it out tomorrow (he'd had enough of that s#*@* for one day. We are going to put new vent...
  10. Julsburd

    Waste tank question

    Peggy we do have your book thank god! Both our heads are Techma.
  11. Julsburd

    Waste tank question

    found the waste tank. Under a hatch in our downstairs hallway. My husband thinks he has it figured out. New to us boat where every situation is a new adventure! :blush:
  12. Julsburd

    Waste tank question

    We are addressing the recent "overflow" of our waste tank which I mentioned in a previous thread. This morning we removed the vent filter and blew air up towards the outside vent with no problem. It was clearly open. Then we blew air back towards the tank and it did not seem open. Is there a...
  13. Julsburd

    13' Dinghy Placement on my Selene 53

    We are in the process of investigating this exact problem. We do not want our dinghy up top because it is a PITA to launch and we use our dinghy a lot. We want the same thing... to open up the flybridge area for seating and to create a more convenient way to launch our 10'4" dinghy. We are...
  14. Julsburd

    Thank you Trawler Forum for this specific group.

    Welcome to all Selene owners and thanks to the Trawler Forum for adding this group to the Trawler Builders Forum. Hopefully we will have educational and productive exchanges here. As a "newbie" to our 2006 Selene I will probably be a receiver of info more than I can offer up. Love our boat and...
  15. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    All good advice. Thank you! When we get back to the boat we'll try a cleaner/wax for the stain and then we'll figure out what we need to do to the vent filter situation. Glad to hear that it's Ok to use TP! Hopefully the pump out went ok while we were gone. Assuming no news is good news?? On...
  16. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    Sorry Peggy. It was a typo not to add "filter"... For the time being we have ordered a new filter to replace the obviously plugged one. We will not have the time to replace the hose and vent outlet just yet but in the meantime replacing the filter will be the best option. We have your book...
  17. Julsburd

    Desiccant dehumidifier

    We were told by a knowledgeable boat guy that when we leave the boat for extended periods of time it’s safer to get a portable unit from Home Depot and put it on our counter draining into the sink than to run the A/C or in our case the dehumidifier selection on our A/C. Thx eliminates water...
  18. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    Thx. Your info is really nice. We had located the filter prior to the dribble but didn’t have a spare for replacement. Peggy “the waste guru”doesn’t like vents so we were wondering about removing it and connecting the 2 ends with plain hose. What are your thoughts especially as a Selene owner.
  19. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    Will do. We're away for awhile but when back we'll look you up.
  20. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    Yes, we have the AIS registration on our to do list!
  21. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    Riviera Dunes until mid January then we'll move to Galati Marina on Anna Maria Island for a couple months.
  22. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    Yes we were! The boat is new to us so we were out cruising around getting to know her... Beautiful day huh?
  23. Julsburd

    "Potty" stains from waste overflow

    So... we found out the hard way when our waste tank has reached capacity... it seems our Full tank light comes on and then it has reached the absolute max.... no room for anymore. We were trying to be good new boat owners and were using plenty of water in our techma toilets. Anyway we woke up to...
  24. Julsburd

    KK Justification of High Price

    Having just gone through the trawler search it becomes a matter of compromise. What is important to you and what are you willing to pay for. We liked Krogens but found that we would have had to get one 10-15 years older to stay in our budget and we just couldn’t justify that. Now that we’ve...
  25. Julsburd

    Any interest in a Selene Trawlers Builders Forum

    We are aware of the Selene Owners Forum and have signed up for it. I just think it would be good to have this group on TF also because it has a much wider member base.
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