Splendide Washer issue

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Veteran Member
Dec 2, 2017
So... I think I may have overloaded our "new to us" washer. The weight must have either broke the belt or made it fall off. Anyway we need to get the dang thing out of the cabinet to access the back of it to replace or repair the belt. My research tells me the unit weighs 280 lbs! I'm thinking maybe we can rent a jack stand and slide the unit on to it at the same level it is (36" off the floor). Or should we just wait and have the professionals do it?
I'll be following this one, have a new to us dryer that isn't powering up. Have no idea how to fix it. So I am sure the suggestions on this will be similar to my dryer fix.
Based on my experience, get a professional.
Yes Dan I am definitely leaning that way... its probably an easy fix but a difficult removal...
It is a 2000s and according to their website, weighs 280 pounds. It sounds high to me too, especially since it is billed as their smallest unit. I'll recheck that by calling their tech department.
Just called the company and it is 170 lbs. It is an older vented model. Still too heavy for me and my husband to handle. I'm tempted to take it out and use the area for storage, especially if it can only handle one pair of jeans at a time!
I'm tempted to take it out and use the area for storage, especially if it can only handle one pair of jeans at a time!
i had one a few years ago on my Mediterranean 54. It was the most "useless" thing on the boat! :hide:
I replaced an older Splendide W/D combo this last summer. The old unit was basically a waste of space. The newest vented version works quite well.... The old unit I removed and muscled up the the stairs wasn't any where close to 280 lbs, perhaps half of that or less.... Good luck If you choose to replace it look at RV suppliers pricing is typically much better
Based on my experience, get a professional.

I would agree with Dan.

I replaced an older Splendide W/D combo this last summer. The old unit was basically a waste of space. The newest vented version works quite well.... The old unit I removed and muscled up the the stairs wasn't any where close to 280 lbs, perhaps half of that or less.... Good luck If you choose to replace it look at RV suppliers pricing is typically much better

The money you spend to have it repaired, could be used to but a new one. Have a professional install it.

We bought ours through Camping World.
Yes, it doesn’t weigh 280 pounds. We have one in our RV and had one in a previous boat and loved them, if they are the vented model. You don’t want to overload it.
Yes, our boat came with a 2001 model Splendide vented model - had previous experience with an unvented model - have been been very pleased with this one. We only wash clothes and light towels. For heavy bedding and such we use the marina's washer/dryer. A man's (oh) washer's gotta know it's limits :thumb:
When our old Splendide (non-vented model) finally stopped working, it took four guys to get it out and up the aft stairs and off the side of the boat. That unit was in the 170 pound range.

Since we couldn't fit a vented model in the same space, my wife got a portable RV washer with hi-speed spin dryer that only weighs 38 pounds. Much easier to deal with! :)
I have as non-vented Splendide washer/dryer.
The dryer leaves a lot to be desired. Sometimes it takes 4 hours to dry the load. Many times, I just put the clothes on the hangers and hang them to complete the drying.
The washer is "okay".
I can put in a couple pairs of canvas type shorts, 3 light weight cotton pull over shirts and nylon underwear. 4 hours of drying........ well, it's better than hand washing.
Sheets and blankets to the onshore launderette. Amazingly, when I go to pick up the sheets, they are folded SMILE
I would warn you, whatever you put in the Splendide will come out very wrinkled.
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I have as non-vented Splendide washer/dryer.
The dryer leaves a lot to be desired. Sometimes it takes 4 hours to dry the load. Many times, I just put the clothes on the hangers and hang them to complete the drying.

We did the same thing with our non-vented unit, washed a small amount of clothing (or one sheet at a time!) and during the summer hung them out on the aft deck to dry. We just referred to it as our Beverly Hillbilly look.

When people used to ask us what we had for a washer/dryer, I always said we had a washer/warmer, as it never fully dried anything... That being said, if we could buy a brand new, non-vented Splendide again we would. At least it handled the washing cycles automatically. With our "RV" washer we have to manually fill the drum with water, select wash, then turn the knob to drain, then fill with water again for rinse, then select drain again. Sometimes we have to do the last two steps a few times, as the soap does not always rinse completely out.

At least with the Splendide, we just pressed the wash cycle button and it did the rest automatically.
Just called the company and it is 170 lbs. It is an older vented model. Still too heavy for me and my husband to handle. I'm tempted to take it out and use the area for storage, especially if it can only handle one pair of jeans at a time!

A pair of jeans at a time? Heck, that would be good. I was thinking one sock at a time.
Boy, could I give you some hints. Ive removed mine a few times now, and what a ball buster that was.
Anyway, you need to find some heavy duty Milk crates and a piece of plywood to place on them for the unit to sit on once its removed. Make sure you remove the cabinet doors, several layers of tape on the wood trim. Oh, and hire a few young bucks to do the heavy lifting. Make sure you shut off both the water valves and disconnect the power cord before moving the unit. With the milk crates under the unit you cant get to the stuff identified above. Also, you will need to be on the stairs so you can disconnect the drain line before you move the unit very far from the opening. Then you can slide the unit out of the way, we put towels under the milk crates to make sliding easier.
If you need any other help, PM me.
First - I saw an appliance installer use these little air bags to lift a dishwasher while he set the height. $15 on amazon. Genius tool. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XB4BFPP/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B07XB4BFPP&pd_rd_w=TCElP&pf_rd_p=45a72588-80f7-4414-9851-786f6c16d42b&pd_rd_wg=n4umb&pf_rd_r=Y3XJ0CV6ZQN8PQ3VTVHQ&pd_rd_r=5e897938-4606-4b50-bda3-6b7020d6a4d3&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFKMUxRWjlCOUoxMTkmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAxMjIxMjYxS0UyN1lWTFE3WUQyJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyNDcxODAxMDM1NExHWkFKRzlOJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
The first summer we cruised our 34’ sail boat in Newport and it rained a week was the time we swore to get an electric dryer for our boat. The misery of damp towels and clothes hanging around a damp boat was no fun.
I hear mixed emotions about the little splendide machines, not much good about the unvented.
We bought a boat with Bosch stacked washer and dryer. Little larger than the Splendides and the dryer is vented. My wife loves the boat because we can take a shower and then dry the towels. Grandkid makes a mess? No problem. His clothes and the Sheets are fresh and dry as often as you wish.
The W&D are no where as large as our home machines but big enough to do a couple large towels or bed sheets or complete grandson clothes. This makes the difference between camping and living for us.
The original Splendide quit working several years ago. Old enough that parts were no longer available so I pulled it out and it made great storage. This was the vented model. Fast forward to a couple of months ago and the wife (tolerated but doesn’t love boating) says we should take an extended trip to Canada this summer. But we need a washer dryer. I’m all in on the project to make this trip happen.
So I order a new Splendide from a RV outfit and it gets delivered in about a week. The reason I went with the Splendide again is that I thought it would be an exact change out and the exterior size was the same. Any bigger size and the new unit would not fit thru doorways even with the doors removed. As it was I had to remove the door from the Splendide because the handle stuck out. This actually gave another hand hold for moving the unit and was a benefit
So getting back to the install, the major difference was where the exhaust for the dryer was located. Had to cut a new hole And modify the ducting. Was glad I did this before getting the new unit in place.
There are several younger stronger guys at my marina and they gave me a hand moving it onto and into the boat. Having remembered what I had to do to remove the old one and having it prepped ahead of time made it a 10 minute job to get the new one in place.
Wifey B:

1. Professional. :)
2. Replace. :)
3. Vent. No not you, vent the machine. :rofl:
4. Sliders. Furniture sliders will make sliding it out easy. May be hard to get under back but can be done. Get big ones. :D
Lots of good discussion. Thanks all. Now that the weather is becoming more "Florida like" I can forsee that I will want the ability to dry towels, rags etc. Washing not as important but nice to have that option too. so... we are probably going to hire the professional to come out and fix it but we will have the heavy milk crates and plywood to move it out on. Thank you Crusty Chief! We are also in a nice marina with plenty of strapping young men who could probably be hired to help the repair guy move it out. Going to get working on this tomorrow. Keep fingers crossed that we 1. don't damage our lovely woodwork and 2. don't damage our bodies! ( Not necessarily in that order)
I have owned the a vented and non-vented Splendide.
Just like in your house, gotta keep the dryer hose snaked out to prevent dryer fires.
Currently own a non-vented.
Over all, the results are the same. Might take 4 hours to totally dry the clothes.
From both, the results are wrinkled clothes. SMILE
Sort of humorous, you can wash more clothes in a load than you can dry in one load.. CHUCKLE
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When we were installing a Splendide vented model in a previous boat, I covered the bulkheads with cardboard to protect them from scratches. It took 2 guys to move it into the boat. Not too bad but I am now almost 20 years older so it might be quite a bit more difficult now...
Blue Sky came with an old vented Splendide that lasted about two years before it gave up on drying completely. We replaced it with a new vented model and are very happy with it. It will do a load of one berth bedding plus some shirts or shorts thrown in, which isn't too bad. The key is not to load the tub more than 3/4 full. Everything comes out dry, and wrinkled is a good look; it matches me.
The haulout/replacement was done professionally (a no brainer for us).
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