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  1. Hawgwash

    PM, email and Thank You issues.

    Sorry, not just yours Spy, others too, over a period of time. Same when I try to edit my own posts, it doesn't always open properly. Oh well.
  2. Hawgwash

    PM, email and Thank You issues.

    I've been having 3 issues lately; Yesterday I tried to send Spy a PM and it took 3 attempts and I still don't know if it went. Today I tried a Thank You and I had to back out and come at it again before it would work. Email notifications of posts are really hit and miss. Probably getting...
  3. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    And I'll pile on. It's Thulin Passage with an "i" as in Charlie Thulin who came there in 1889 and named Lund after his home in Sweden. Most everyone in Lund has at least a bit of Thulin in them.
  4. Hawgwash

    Military connections

    Since Canada's military might is only a skiff and a balloon better than Iceland, I have zero military exposure and don't know the difference between a frigate and an f bomb. That doesn't however, stop me from being fascinated with the hardware and entertained by the personnel. Periodic...
  5. Hawgwash

    My dumb azz....fatigue???

    A great tale and good reminder, Baker, thank you. My first thoughts though; they allow/make these guys fly planes? And, could you get your butt canned for calling it as you see it? Not your fault I know but is there no strength in your professional organization? Was not the brutal...
  6. Hawgwash

    The prices have been inflated these days and lucrative times for trawlers in general
  7. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    If spot is accurate, at 1300 you should be at the latitude I gave you earlier. The homestead... To starboard you will see a white flagpole in pic 1 (thanks to Twisted Tree) and if you look closely you might see me and my two pals on the beach (thanks to mom).
  8. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    I wasn't thinking tach but maybe you need to wipe your bottom. La Conner is a great weekend get away in the off season, by boat or car. Quiet and some really good grub.
  9. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    You are a morning person for sure, Keith. :D He needn't worry about all the gadgets for the next week anyway. He'll be rafted to dozens of boats who can keep anchor watch for him. Dave, as Roche Point said, it's been fun tagging along. I'm curious to know your cruising speed over those...
  10. Hawgwash

    We've lived in a great boating era.

    Here's the price of waterfront on the sunshine coast in 1922. 10 bucks an acre waterfront, 5 bucks up the hill. This property at Myrtle Point was settled by two families in the 1880s. Mine and another arrived by row boat. They staked the land by natural landmarks; trees, creeks, plateaus...
  11. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Did you find the issue with the plotters and radar?
  12. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    I saw where you made an about face on your first entry. Was that because you heard a pump action and the word Yankee coming from the deck above the monster green boat house? He's really not a bad guy.
  13. Hawgwash

    Helmsman 38

    There is also a member on here who went from a Ranger 31 to a H38. The name escapes me but I'll see if I can unearth it.
  14. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Just pretend you are still a blow boater they always get it wrong. Pirates is a cool spot except in summer. Tight entry with a homemade range.
  15. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Looks like you are headed for Gabriola so see if you can stick your nose into Pirates Cove for future reference.
  16. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Don't sweat the lack of boats, you are headed for Desolation Sound :eek:. Orcas...nice, happy for her. This is their favoured hunting route through the summer.
  17. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Oops, sorry, my brain sometimes reverts to fast boat mode. If you do consider Smuggler, be very attentive to both sides on entry and have a plan B because it could be full-ish. Secret is right around the corner.
  18. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    :confused: You can't come all this way and not experience Dodd. Did you see the guy on the deck in the pink jammies and bunny slippers?
  19. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    What Keith said. If you cross, Plumper is way too south for where you are headed and the limited space will have all been taken last night. Smuggler is tight but fun. Secret Cove and Pender Harbour are good choices but, since you are provisioned, take a serious look at Nelson and Hardy...
  20. Hawgwash

    We've lived in a great boating era.

    Reading of Tad Roberts well earned recognition, I got to thinking; Many people on TF have grown up among some of the most notable boat people, whose names we know and whose vessels we instantly recognize. Many on here have been on the boats or visited the yards famous for the named boats...
  21. Hawgwash

    I wonder what ever happened to old what's his name?

    :iagree: I belonged to one that was pretty much like TF for a long time. Lots of real solid folks with experience and knowledge to share. Cool place. Then it changed hands several times until one control freak got it and regularly used the bozo and ban buttons to win arguments. In fact he...
  22. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    Nice run up the channel, kids. You are over a third the way to Desolation Sound. :thumb::thumb:
  23. Hawgwash

    I wonder what ever happened to old what's his name?

    :thumb: I don't think you are the hidden meaning type. :D
  24. Hawgwash

    I wonder what ever happened to old what's his name?

    I've read Craig's post three times. I can't figure where it came from or is going but that doesn't matter. I have to agree with the following, though, about the depth. From submarines to frozen dinners to dung beetles, I am constantly amazed at the breadth of knowledge shared. All one needs...
  25. Hawgwash

    Need advice for first longer cruise.

    You'll be fine, just think about a big old sailboat keel stuck on the bottom of Kinship. Don't round N "2" early and the range will be your best buddy. You likely already noticed the aids (RRR) change a little past (north of) La Conner. If you get a chance to stop in La Conner, reward...
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