Need advice for first longer cruise.

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We're just leaving Prideaux Haven, headed to Rebecca Spit. Beautiful weather up here!

I installed the Class B AIS just prior to departing, so y'all can find us if you wish. :)

It was raining all morning here but is now clearing up. We really enjoyed the rain. That whole PH vs open cockpit thing.
It was raining all morning here but is now clearing up. We really enjoyed the rain. That whole PH vs open cockpit thing.

It is bright, sunny, and flat calm here off Cortes Island :)
Rosario Strait is a bit unsettled. Interesting mix of swells, wind waves, and current rips.

As you are driving like a man on a mission, here is a current weather report from Houston Passage, near the N end of Saltspring Island.

wind: 0 to 2 knots, N
tide: ebbing
sky: clear

Hopefully this lousy weather will continue at least till tomorrow, when it is supposed to get hot and still.

If you plan to come by this way, let me know and I will give you guidelnes so you wave at the appropriate house on the shore.
Thanks Keith.

I have just reserved a slip at Poets Cove for tonight. Provided of course that Canada lets me in.
It was raining all morning here but is now clearing up. We really enjoyed the rain. That whole PH vs open cockpit thing.

Wifey B: I can see it now. You smiling and pointing at the rain and saying, "fooled you rain. I came over to the dark side and you can't get me now." :rofl:

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but rain will never hurt me. :D

Funny how day to day you find yourself enjoying things in a new and different way and enjoying things in a way you couldn't have on your sailboat. Doesn't mean your love for sailing is gone, just the power is nice for what you want to do today.
Welcome to Canada!

Southwesterly pressure slope for the next few days which means two things. Sunny weather and Qualicum winds. Qualicums occur in the area of water between Parksville, Qualicum Beach and Lasqueti Island. This will only affect you if you do decide to go up the West side of Texada, of if Whiskey Golf is active you might be subject to them if you have to go around. It is really just a funnelled wind up the Alberni Inlet due to the pressure gradient between the East and West side of Vancouver Island. You can see them as a line on the water.

Also recommend you pump out your holding tanks on your way across the Strait of Georgia. Powell River and Lund both have pump outs, but you really don't want to use them. Not very conveniently located.

A regional wind primer:
Today's weather at 07:00 here at the south entrance to Houston Passage:

wind: 0
waves: 0
sky: mostly sunny
tide: high slack
Canada Geese: plentiful
Bald Eagle: 1
Cormorant: 1

Once again, a crappy day weather wise. It should get significantly better tomorrow.
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Today's weather at 07:00 here at the south entrance to Houston Passage:

wind: 0
waves: 0
sky: mostly sunny
tide: high slack
Canada Geese: plentiful

Once again, a crappy day weather wise. It should get significantly better tomorrow.

That sounds just awful. You poor bastards!
Thank you Keith and Spy.

Lovely day right now. Since Naniamo is likely to be very full and I am not sure how great the anchorages are going to be, my wife and I considered cutting across today towards Howe Sound and maybe finding a place to anchor. Maybe Plumper Cove?

Right now the conditions in the southern Georgia strait seem benign and the weather calls for decreasing wind. but who knows?
Secret Cove or Pender have great anchorages and supplies if needed.
Thank you Keith and Spy.

Lovely day right now. Since Naniamo is likely to be very full and I am not sure how great the anchorages are going to be, my wife and I considered cutting across today towards Howe Sound and maybe finding a place to anchor. Maybe Plumper Cove?

Right now the conditions in the southern Georgia strait seem benign and the weather calls for decreasing wind. but who knows?

If you want to at least get through Dodd Narrows, and Nanaimo is iffy for space, you can always use Percy Anchorage. After you clear Dodd, it's less than a mile to the east. You'll not have to worry about Nanaimo, and you'll be in position to cross the next morning.
Given your timeline for getting to Powell River, Plumper Cove, though a decent anchorage, isn't far enough for you to go today. You could get to Secret cove easily, or even Pender Harbour, both of which offer great anchorages. Even Smuggler Cove, though small, is very cute and a decent anchorage.
You are facing a strong ebb current from now till just after noon, so if you are going to go through Active Pass this morning, you will be pushing against it. No biggie, as in Active you shouldn't expect it to run more than 4.4 knots at 11 am. I have done Active against the current many times. If you hug the Maine Island side you will find yourself in a back eddy for almost 1/2 the distance, helping out a lot. The downside of taking that route is that you will miss the much more scenic trip through the Gulf Islands. I prefer staying inside the Gulf Islands at least as far as Porlier, for the scenery, or if I am going to cross to Merry Island, as far as Gabriola Passage. This adds a few miles, but is far more worth while for the scenery. Today's current through Gabriola will be at peak flood at 16:30, so will be a great help, should you go that way.

Just my $0.02. You will enjoy cruising here whichever route you choose. You might even see the local pod of Orcas if you go Active Pass.
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Keith, yeah the scenery is great. I was thinking of Porlier Pass but Gabriola would be nice as well. Good suggestion about going farther to to Secret Cove provided the forecast for the Georgia Strait continues to hold true.

NSail, thanks for the suggestion of Percy Anchorage. Looks like a great idea and I may have missed that option.
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A little cloudy but nice scenery in Trincomali Channel.
Keith, yeah the scenery is great. I was thinking of Porlier Pass but Gabriola would be nice as well. Good suggestion about going farther to to Secret Cove provided the forecast for the Georgia Strait continues to hold true.

NSail, thanks for the suggestion of Percy Anchorage. Looks like a great idea and I may have missed that option.
What Keith said. If you cross, Plumper is way too south for where you are headed and the limited space will have all been taken last night.

Smuggler is tight but fun. Secret Cove and Pender Harbour are good choices but, since you are provisioned, take a serious look at Nelson and Hardy Islands. Some really nice anchorages on both.
Spot tells me you are coming up on Wise Island now. Off the grid living at its best.
Looks like you are going to stay in Trincomali and not enter Houston Passage. As traffic is light this morning I will still be able to see and identify you in a few minutes, from my deck, especially if I use binoculars.
Have a great trip!

To my surprise, your Spot position is about 10 minutes late.

To my surprise, your Spot position is about 10 minutes late.

I am about to pass that marked Rock on the center of the channel.

HW, I think Hardy and Nelson may be further than we want to go today. Smugglers cove sounds enticing.

BTW, it is nice seeing an area I've never seen before. I have been down Stuart Channel, but never in Trincomali Channel. This is beautiful and could ask for nicer water (except maybe a helpful current).
dhays; said:
I think Hardy and Nelson may be further than we want to go today. Smugglers cove sounds enticing.
Oops, sorry, my brain sometimes reverts to fast boat mode. If you do consider Smuggler, be very attentive to both sides on entry and have a plan B because it could be full-ish. Secret is right around the corner.
Oops, sorry, my brain sometimes reverts to fast boat mode. If you do consider Smuggler, be very attentive to both sides on entry and have a plan B because it could be full-ish. Secret is right around the corner.

Yeah, that is what I was thinking. If too full for comfort, then look at anchoring somewhere in Secret. BTW, I was really surprised that there were plenty of slip available at Poets Cove last night. We have seen plenty of boats, but so far nothing terribly crowded.

Oh, and yesterday made my wife's' day as we saw a few Orca off of Stewart Island. Her first.
If you go into Secret Cove, the very quietest anchorage is in the channel that goes off to the southeast, off the RVYC outstation.
If you go into Pender Harbour, Garden Bay is the quietest, and there is lots of room.
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Interesting and beautiful rock cliffs on Galiano Island.
Yeah, that is what I was thinking. If too full for comfort, then look at anchoring somewhere in Secret. BTW, I was really surprised that there were plenty of slip available at Poets Cove last night. We have seen plenty of boats, but so far nothing terribly crowded.

Oh, and yesterday made my wife's' day as we saw a few Orca off of Stewart Island. Her first.
Don't sweat the lack of boats, you are headed for Desolation Sound :eek:.

Orcas...nice, happy for her.
This is their favoured hunting route through the summer.


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Looks like you are headed for Gabriola so see if you can stick your nose into Pirates Cove for future reference.

On the chart it looks like it would be a great anchorage. We will pass it in about 10 minutes.

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