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  1. K

    Lake Okeechobee, the real depth today 05/02/20

    When the water was a bit higher I destroyed two wheels by drifting a little to the side thinking the canal between Roland Martin's and Moore Haven was wider. There was a pretty good limerock shelf
  2. K

    Anyone update old generator with new mounts and exhaust?

    I have a 8.0 Westerbeke as well and HATE the noise. I put a second, inline centek muffler onto it along with upsizing the centek lift muffler. It make a world of difference.
  3. K

    Working from a Boat

    Given some of the responses, you should also never read a book, plot on a map or do anything other than keep your eyes to the horizon.
  4. K

    Working from a Boat

    Is it feasible to do computer-based work while standing watch on a passage, or do you need to be scanning the sea ahead every moment? Depending on where you are. Running the ICW? no way. 20 miles off shore? sure. Have you ever participated in a conference call (Zoom meeting, etc.) from the...
  5. K

    Rebuilding the Abaco's....?

    This Saturday, I will leave for my 8th trip over to the Abacos since the storm hit. Every flight over I am loaded down with supplies, and every flight back to the states, all of my seats are full with people. Each trip I see something new and there is progress. For GTC, there are several...
  6. K

    PM story on a sunken GB in Hopetown

    Hmmm. I wonder this discussion puts me - I'm a pilot I have a boat I have a house on one of the outer Cays in the Abacos Never in my dreams would I have though that a hurricane would sit over my house for 2 days.
  7. K

    Rebuilding the Abaco's....?

    :cry: Not my photo to share, but I'll say this.:cry:
  8. K

    Rebuilding the Abaco's....?

    That's a great question. Unlike some other areas, GTC is and always will be home for them. These are the people that I have come to know and love. These people will be there forever and the new friends who come along will be cut from the same cloth. It reminds me of a quote from the...
  9. K

    Rebuilding the Abaco's....?

    Not sure. Once I get my feet on the ground over there I can make an assessment and move forward.
  10. K

    Rebuilding the Abaco's....?

    I wrote this on another forum - This was the exact same conversation I had with my wife two days ago. We are smack dab in the middle of buying a place on GTC. Our final paperwork was received on Wednesday of last week just before the storm. The sellers had theirs signed but had not sent it...
  11. K

    Green Turtle Bahamas in August..

    Yep. Things are winding down there. Almost everything closes after Sept. 3rd.
  12. K

    Green Turtle Bahamas in August..

    Good to see you got back over there. We will be back the 29th ourselves. We brought our big boat back last month but my little boat is parked next door right now getting worked on. Be careful around that rock of Bita/ Longbeach. There are a couple of butt head reef sharks that cruise that...
  13. K

    First aid classes and med kit (Graphic photo)

    Just saw you profile. Should have looked there first. LOL
  14. K

    First aid classes and med kit (Graphic photo)

    Me too. Assuming an organization with an ORI? Also, don't underestimate superglue...
  15. K

    Towing a 13' whaler or 10 RIB

    Here are a few pictures of my setups. One boat is a 16' Whaler and the other is a 19' Sea Boss dual console. I used the same setup for each. Towing from the bow eye and cleated to the rear of my big boat. Note that most large boats have reinforced cleats so this is not an issue.
  16. K

    Towing a 13' whaler or 10 RIB

    Not sure of his specific reasons but I would guess that a the very least there are two reasons - Cleats are normally on top of the boat, which can create a downward pull. That would cause the bow to push into a wave versus a bow eye which would be lower to the waterline. Cleats on smaller...
  17. K

    First aid classes and med kit (Graphic photo)

    Best bet for something like that - even with an hour drive to the ER, is to bandage it and drive. It's not gushing blood so it looks worse than it is. If longer transport times are involved, you can look at some steri-strips and bandaging. Leave the stitches (and medical liability) to the...
  18. K

    Towing a 13' whaler or 10 RIB

    If you search here, there are quite a few responses on tow set ups. I myself towed from the bow eye using a 10 mm diameter dyneema rope that was attached to a 5/8 nylon bridle via a shackle. These were all simply cleated to the stern cleats on my boat. I could adjust it using those...
  19. K

    transom etiquette

    I had to laugh at this as it reminds me of the quote "Watch out for people who brag about who they are. A lion doesn't have to tell people he is a lion." Having said that, put me in the no M/V on the transom group. I do use "motor vessel" as part of my call on a radio to a marina, lock or a...
  20. K

    Towing a 13' whaler or 10 RIB

    I pull(ed) a 16' Wahoo which is similar to the Whaler. It's been all over with me and across the gulf stream. The boat bobs right along at 8kts even in bad weather. I have taken blue water over the bow of my big boat and the little one is just back there 100' away just floating along. My set...
  21. K

    Up Apalachicola River to Lake Seminole

    I'd be hard pressed to go up that river since Hurricane Michael came through last year.
  22. K

    First Aid

    Just curious who you administer these drugs? Standing orders? Protocols which cover you working off duty? I get that you know what you are doing and it will no doubt help but It's going to be a stretch to call it good under Good Samaritan.
  23. K

    Minimum Size & Models for Liveaboard to the Caribbean

    My friend bought a Carver 356 that traveled extensively in the Bahamas. It's gas but they ran the heck out of it for 6-8 months at a time. 2 bedroom was big enough for a couple and they had an inverter system on it.
  24. K

    Any HAMS?

    When I went to take my test, where only three of us in the room that were under the age of 60. All three of us were taking it for work related reasons. I have in fact used it on one occasion to relay emergency information though. During hurricane Michael, While driving to the state EOC, I...
  25. K

    Any HAMS?

    You nailed it on the head!
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