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  1. H

    My dripless shaft is leaking

    A couple of responses have mentioned shaft alignment. If the shafts thru the tunnel are not evenly centered, it’s probable that the shafts are not aligned correctly. This alignment angle results in the bellows/graphite seal having uneven pressure around the ring causing leaks/spraying...
  2. H

    Repair westerbeke or replace and with what?

    I’ve had a similar issue. Did you say the back end alternator was smoking/smoked? If you can rotate it to get the back end off, it likely needs major work and a change over option with Broward is your best bet! When my back end was removed and the rotor pulled, scorch marks and rubbing scars...
  3. H

    "Marine" vs Regular Starting Battery

    ... then the acid if they were almost dry..... I stand corrected Dave.:). Suffice to say my experience has been adding copious quantities of water to an almost dry battery has little chance of success and bringing them back to life.
  4. H

    "Marine" vs Regular Starting Battery

    Bill, like one of the prior threads said, it depends! You may be lucky and get your batteries back, but it depends on their age, and how much water you need to add to top them up. If they had been connected to an automatic charging device, the acid can be significantly reduced as well as they...
  5. H

    "Marine" vs Regular Starting Battery

    If your lead acid b/t batteries have run dry, chances are they are close to being cactus anyway! If you haven’t already filled them, do so and charge, then test each one for CCA. They might show 12v across the terminals, but until you put them under a CCA test load, you won’t know their true...
  6. H

    Vacuuflush & Peggie Hall

    Another possibility Had a similar issue with the pump going off every 10 mins or so. Did all the usual trouble shooting, replacing duckbills, etc. then finally took the pump to the local distributor. He told me that a few years back, there was a bad batch of funnels that the vacuum hose...
  7. H

    Generator Help

    I hope you’ve been able to rectify your issue easily (no pun intended). I’ve worked with two friends that have had similar issues on Westerbekes. After trying a couple of so called generator techs to diagnose issues (lots of head scratching, but no real result), the first was resolved with a...
  8. H

    Vacuflush trouble shooting

    Hello. Many points have been covered and one post talked about a crack in the base funnel. This is indeed correct. I was having similar problems and advice from one of the guys at the Marine Sanitation store in Seattle, proved correct. Many years back, the Vacuflush mfgr had a bad batch of...
  9. H

    Water in Bilge

    I have dripless shafts on mine, so stuffing boxes aren’t an issue. But do you run AC and does it drain into the bilge?? You would be surprised at the condensate accumulation over time. An acquaintance had a recent purchase (same boat as mine) from a deceased estate without any handover or...
  10. H

    Leaving Knoxville for south Florida on a 4788

    Should be pretty easy to check the smoke, can you run without the genny for while, after cleaning off the stern?? It's good you changed the on engine filter plus the primary R120p. I got caught changing the primary and not the on engine. Yuck!! How long has the engine/s run since you left...
  11. H

    Leaving Knoxville for south Florida on a 4788

    Haven't heard from you in a few days David! Everything going OK??
  12. H

    Leaving Knoxville for south Florida on a 4788

    Hi David. Been enjoying your trip from afar. Are you sure you weren't signed up as extras in a disaster movie. Wow, to rip those cleats out, must have been some storm. Maybe just as well you were away. Dodged a bullet maybe with stuff flying and collapsing around the marina. All the best...
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