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  1. R

    Fuel Cost Changing Cruising Plans?

    8.00 is canadian port gread , ther fuel is Canadian not bitin! And i sill have 1500 gallons from last season& polishers
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    Sold My Selene & Need Another One, or Nordhavn

    It was partially sunk has a salvage title insurance co. dont want to touch it origionally auctioned at 380 and the second buyer found out what problems its still having even with all the new expenditures i looked at it when it was firs offered.baught a 50 ocean mk l and never regretted it...
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    Documentation Renewal

    And now you know! Sucker sites are everywhere, just have to pay attention. ��
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    Genset operating cost , per lifetime hours

    Gen sets If your boat is in calif. California has banned lawnmowers, leafblowers and generators how to figure cost versus run time is no longer pertinentl...??
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    High Freeboard, Short Handed - How To Grab A Mooring

    To attach 1 go to the swim step 2 attach to buoy 3 walk to the bow 4 attach line..done reverse procedure to detach !?
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    Mix auto transmission fluid in diesel fuel?

    Tranny fluid in your fuel! Trans fluid is a cleaning agent i used it also in my 55 chevy oil pan to clean the sludge out of my engine the valves quite rattling im not to sure about cleaning my diesel injectors though ? Cause that's all it would do
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    Documentation Renewal

    Your being addressed by a dock fee company not uscoastguard,i use the notifications to inform me when i need to renew on the us coast guard site not the for fee site that looks like the govt site!!?
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    Documentation Renewal

    You on a paid site not a govt coastguard site dont get conned by the private companys
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    Adding cameras

    Blue tooth it no wire and easy to install
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    Fake Documentation notice

    Its not fake The documentary service isnt fake its a 3ed party service you can use them for an extra price or not i like it cause it reminds me to renew so i go to the govt site!
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    I'm still with red shield 1982 OA m1 if ya cant get ins. Go bond it. instead of insurance
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    Training and Licensing

    They already have laws for everthing you dont like if damage is done by another board wake you can sue as for speeding that's why you call patrol as for the party boats cant we just shoot them? Just sayin
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    Trawler Forum Burgees Now Available!

    Why pay Why would you pay to advertise someone elses product? Now with the chinese flu ya get to set in your dock, here in BC.
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    Tariffs on Chinese built boats?

    If ya cant afford it dont buy it,they are called boats not investments! BRING ON ANOTHER THOUSAND
  15. R

    Anchor Swivel options for 5/16 Chain

    Sea dog..great cust service i lost the thru bolt called them to see if i could get a new bolt they said positively no cost sent me 4 new ones with a note not to lose them,:) less than 4 days to receive them!!!!!
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    Very Hot 60-amp Alternating Current Circuit Breaker

    Time for a new breaker sq D is a household breaker and gets tired quickly in a marine environment
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    SOS light versus flares

    I have found, when in doubt carry both also put some in the dingy keep lights and flairs together and dont use alkali batteries
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    Screenwriter new to the Forum with a question

    Just get the net stuck on something submarine sunken boat rock my cuz got snared when one of our own sub went thru the fishing grounds ,got pulled backwards almost sunk till he cut rope followed the sub back to san San Diego to get his net back and was promptly arrested! (CAPAZ) NEW PORT BEACH
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    How often do you need your lower helm?

    Im in the PNW not that many fly bridge due to the weather but when the weather is nice i run from upabove Ocean 50 mock 1
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    Canada to U.S. boarder crossings

    No crossings probability till end of july in the meantime slip fees insurance cleaning fuel polishing and licences expiring oh well Bring On Another Thousand!:)
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    question regarding strenth of binoculars

    Maybe they have ,"2 pair":)
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    questions on paper work washington state

    Baught my ocean 50 in wash Took a 6 mo cruise permit slip it in Canada vost guard reg.about 35 $ no sales tax run back ad forth between the states
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    Most Important Dock Hand Skills & Traits

    They need to know how to work the ropes friendly and knowledge of the area places to fish charter boats ect. Beauty supply ,saloons ,quicky maps of the area places to go and see thats what we all looke for in a great marina
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    Boat Insurance During Corona Virus

    I'd be looking for a different insurance co chinese virus is bs on open water ad since they wont cover you during the flu are they extending your coverage time
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    Crusader 454 with misfire issue

    After market jacobs wires good for bbc at 10 grand no break down hulu
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