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  1. R

    How Much Rode & Chain For New England?

    I would stay with the 200’ of chain and back it with 200’ of nylon. Prefer the 8-plait such as brait. It lays down flat and doesn’t hockle up. You will use only chain S of the Chesapeake but you will sleep well! Just make sure your windlass gypsy will accommodate your chain and rode.
  2. R

    New Krogen 55' Expedition Trawler yacht

    Nobody has seen it yet.* It hasn't been built.* Krogen had a talk about it at the Rendezvous in Solomon's Is. in October.* They are presently*tooling the molds.* Don't know about the price.
  3. R

    Solomons Rendezvous Pix

    Keith, Just like I remember it!* Does anybody know how to use the slide show feature without the gray tool bar obstruction the photos?* It doesn't seem to want to drag out of the way. Randy Pickelmann MORNING STAR
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